Wednesday 11th November 2020

Wednesday 11th November 2020

God desires a spirit led generation that can worship him in spirit and in truth...
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Faith [Continued]

Faith [Continued]

The spirit realm of the word gives revelation while the letter realm gives information.
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What does the Holy Spirit do?

What does the Holy Spirit do?

When your life is flooded by the Holy Spirit you will fear nothing.
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Prayer Band, Saturday 7th November 2020

Prayer Band, Saturday 7th November 2020

Ignorance of how to handle foundational forces has stopped many Christians from doing great things in life.
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Day 3 of 3 days monthly prayer and fasting

Day 3 of 3 days monthly prayer and fasting

Faith brings about engraftment.
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Day 2 of 3 days monthly prayer and fasting

Day 2 of 3 days monthly prayer and fasting

The agenda of mercy is very pronounced in supplication.
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The spirit of grace and supplication

The spirit of grace and supplication

Supplication helps you to last long in prayer. 
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The power of the altar of sacrifice

The power of the altar of sacrifice

Sacrifice releases power. 
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What is faith [Continued]

What is faith [Continued]

Faith will cause you to be misunderstood by normal people..
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