Day 3 of 3 days monthly prayer and fasting

Day 3 of 3 days monthly prayer and fasting

Psalm 34:3-5
When a good prophecy comes your way it will attract battles from the enemy. (1 Corinthians 16:9)
John 15:1-3, 2 Peter 1:3-4, Romans 11:1, 17
Faith brings about engraftment. 
Faith is the spiritual engraftment of humanity into divinity, producing God-like results. 
Grafting  reduces the time it takes to fruition, it also creates resistance to diseases. 
Grafting improves the quality of the plant, and also ensures preservation. 

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Day 2 of 3 days monthly prayer and fasting

Day 2 of 3 days montly prayer and fasting

2 Chronicles 33:12-13, Daniel 6:11
A great destiny will attract so many battles. 
A supplication carries a petition. 
In supplication someone pleads in humility to God for mercy and favor. 
A supplication made on behalf of somebody is an intercession. 
To entreat someone in power for mercy or favor, and this is done humbly or earnestly. 
Zechariah 12:10-13
The agenda of mercy is very pronounced in supplication. 

What is in the spirit of grace and supplication?
Numbers 21:9, Psalm 34:5
1.It makes you see your need for God’s help and your helplessness without him. 
2.It makes you acknowledge God alone and trust him so much as the only way out (you have no alternatives.) 
    It causes you to have reverence for God which leads to deep repentance. 
4.It leads to brokenness of heart (Psalm 34:17)
5.It kills selfishness 
6.It creates a focus and earnestness towards a goal. 
7.It makes you and the purpose for which you are praying to become inseperable. 
8.It gives you a deep longing for God’s presence and constant touch in prayer. 
It causes you to seperate yourself to be with God. 
9.Contriteness of heart and deep humility with God
    This spirit will cause you to be a carrier of God’s presence (Psalm 51:17)
    It also causes you not to give up in prayer, your burden will only be lifted if God tells you that it is settled. 
    Isaiah 57:15, 66:2

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The spirit of grace and supplication

The spirit of grace and supplication

Job 23:12, Daniel 6:10, Psalm 45:1
It takes a writing to overwrite another writing. 
Prayer is another way of formulating a  writing (legislation). 
Whatever is written was actually spoken first. 
The tongue is a pen, both for evil and for good. 
No evil verdict is irreversible, it is our prayerlessness that makes it to stand . 
Even what God has said can be petitioned to be changed by us through prayer. 
No promised land is free of giants, and these giants are against you. 
Daniel 2:18, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Mark 10:30
A business man that does not have a prayer closet has closed his business. 
Hebrews 11:32-34 , Psalm 11:3, Ephesians 2:20, Jude 1:3, Job 23:12, Daniel 9:23, Hosea 12:4
The prayer that generates so much power is a supplication. 
Supplication is a long drawn out prayer, petitioning God for something. 
Supplication happens when the burden of what 1you need to be turned around becomes a part of you, nothing can turn you away from it. 
The spirit of grace and supplication is the power to pray. 
Supplication is what makes you last long in prayer so that your prayer can be answered. 
Zechariah 12:10, Acts 1:14, Proverbs 27:5, Hebrews 5:7-8, 1 Samuel 1:10,  Ezekiel 36:37
If you fall asleep in prayer its because you don’t have a burden. 
Ephesians 6:10 – 12, 18, Philippians 4:6, 1Timothy 2:1, 5:5

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The power of the altar of sacrifice

The power of the altar of sacrifice

Sacrifice is what releases power. 
Sacrifice is the food for spirits, they can never be appeased without it. 
A sacrifice leads to a divine encounter, which results in changes. 
When you tie your expectations to sacrifice it shows that you believe God 
You cannot sacrifice something you don’t love, such a sacrifice would be unacceptable. 
Genesis 22:2
In sacrifice you substitute your weakness for God’s strength. 
Some things will only go out though sacrifice. 
Resurrection power is the highest power, and it came about through sacrifice. (Philippians 2:9)
Where there’s no sacrifice there’s no real power. 
No witch has power to release enchantments against anybody without making sacrifices to a deity in order to release power to enforce those enchantments. 
Psalm 91:1-5, 14
Your exemption doesn’t lie in your status but in your active partnership with God. 

What does the altar of sacrifice do? 
1.It releases power (Matthew 17:20-21)
2.It breaks and averts curses (Genesis 8:20)
3.It brings you into the covenant (Psalm 50:5-6)
4.It releases strong presence
5.It entitles you to sworn blessings (Genesis 22:15-18)
6.It stops plagues (2 Samuel 20:20-24, Malachi 1:6-10)
7.It offers protection and defense (psalm 20:1)
8.It offers  divine secrets (Job 29:4, Genesis 13:2)
   The richest man in the bible was born out of sacrifice. 
9.It provokes supernatural fruitfulness ( Genesis 18:10) 
10.It offers divine health
11.Results in overturning of captivity (Psalm 126:1-6)

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What is faith [Continued]

What is faith [Continued]

2 Chronicles 15:3-5, Romans 10:10-1
Praying without believing in God’s ability is praying in vain. 
Before you become a prayer warrior, become a faith warrior. 
Faith enters you as you hear the word of God. 
Each one of us has an evil day (Proverbs 24:10), a day when your faith is tested. 
You don’t prepare for war at the war front. 
Faith is a profession, therefore it also requires skills. 
Ministry is very demanding, it is more than a full-time job. 
You should use every moment you have to eat something from the word of God. 
Psalm 103:8-11, 130:2-3, Romans 9:16, Psalm 103:16-18
God is not a sin inspector, you shouldn’t become one either. 
8.Faith is engaging what is commanded in God’s word to determine the happenings in and around your life (John 2:5-11)

9.Its not just believing God but obeying God to prove that you believe him

10.It’s not just being in agreement with God’s word (even satan can do that) , putting God’s word to work with an assurance in your heart that he is faithful. 

11.Faith is not moving God to act, but working with him in active partnership. 

12.Faith is the only way to move God in your favour and faith is the only way to stop the devil from stopping you. 

The stupidity of faith 
Faith is intellectual foolishness, it does not agree with human intelligence. 
You can not walk in faith if you’re a normal human being, you have to be a mad man. 
People will mock you when you’re walking in faith. 
1 Corinthians 1:20-25, Proverbs 11:24, John 2:5, John 21:3
John 6:5-11, Psalm 67:6-7, Habakkuk 3:17-19, 2Kings 6:5, 5:10
The foolishness of faith generates strange wonders. 
Luke 1:35, Genesis 42:28, Hebrews 10:23
Faith will cause a lot of normal people to misunderstand you because you don’t be normal anymore. 
Faith shouldn’t be something that just comes and goes, it should be the way we live. 

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What is it that provokes the miraculous? [Continued]

What is it that provokes the miraculous? [Continued]

2 Chronicles 15:1-4 , Romans 3:27
The law of faith makes faith to work everywhere. 
A teaching priest will give you the laws that will make things work in your life. 
Don’t underestimate the power of teaching. 
Knowledge of the word of God touches on every other knowledge. 
Just as teachers and doctors have a profession, we as Christians have a profession too, the profession of faith. 
Romans 10:17
People earn and live off of their profession, hence why  the bible says that the just shall live by faith.
Faith is the heart of christianity. 
Heart failure is equal to life failure, so also faith failure will result in you failing in this life. 
Your faith is the connector you need to plug into the power of God. 
Proverbs 18:20-21

6.Love for God (Hebrews 11:24-25, 1 Kings 19:10, John 14:21)
  Love for God will make you abandon unrighteousness and choose to walk with God . 
  The love for God you have in you will determine the manifestations of the spirit you walk in. 
What should you do with the love of God? 
a.Believe it (1John 4:16)
  Believe that God loves you. 
b. Receive it
  When you have it with you, you will never be afraid again. 
c. Release it
  You release it by loving others, by winning souls, by  serving God… among other things. 

7.The name of Jesus (1 Samuel 25:25, Revelation 19:10)
  A name represents the character of a person. 
  Names are so important that even the angel that operates around you goes by your name. 
  Every achievement in the realm of the Spirit adds something to your name, hence why Jesus was given a name above every other name. 
  Your spiritual authority is in your name. 
  God promotes your name, instead of giving you things, he will put something on your name that will attract the things that you need. 
  When you stand before devils, all they see is your name. 
 When you gain spiritual muscle, your name in the spirit also gains muscle. 
  John 14:13, Mark 16:17-18
  When we use the name of Jesus in faith we identify ourselves with his victory  and we command signs and wonders. 
  Isaiah 11:1-2, Exodus 4:17-18
  Every demon, every altar is called by a name. And they invoke cases and enchantments using their names.
  Matthew 1:21
  Sin and its consequences were covered in the name Jesus. 
  Acts 3:6, Isaiah 9:6
  The name of Jesus is not just for starting and ending prayer, it carries tremendous power. 
  Acts 4:18
  Jesus’ name came about by prophecy, conquest, inheritance and obedience ( Isaiah 9:6 Hebrews 2:15,1:4-5, Philippians 2:9-11 respectively )

8.Praise and thanksgiving 
  Psalms 67:3-6, John 6:5-12,11:41-44, 2 Chronicles 20:18

  James 5:17-18, 1 Samuel 1:11-15,19, Isaiah 38:1-6, 1 Chronicles 3:10, 1 Kings 18:36, John 11:41
  Prayer generates miracles. 
  No matter the verdict you have been given you can overturn it. 
  No situation is permanent, it can change if you use the right tools. 

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What is it that provokes the miraculous?

What is it that provokes the miraculous?

Names or titles indicate what a person came to fulfil. 
The root of your dominion is in understanding that you’re a child of God and you’re from above. 
Miracles, signs and wonders are your heritage. 
John 3:31
What is it that provokes the miraculous?
1.The spirit of holiness (2 Timothy 2:19, Psalm 45:7-8)
  Holiness helps you carry divine presence and the anointing. 
  The fear of the Lord is the pathway to divine wisdom. 
2.The word of God (Mark 16:17, Psalm 107:20, 103:7, John 10:34-36)
  Every word you encounter has potential to generate a miracle.
  The word of God will make you into a god if you believe and accept it. 
4.The Holy Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 12:7, Acts 1:8, 2:37-38, Luke 4:14)
  In the school of the miraculous, the Holy Spirit is the producer of Miracles. 
  It is impossible to seperate miracles from the spirit of God. 
  People who neglect the Holy Spirit will never flow in the miraculous. 
  Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, allowing him to lead you and depending on him is how you generate miracles  with the Spirit. 
All miracles are pure manifestations of the Spirit. 

5.Sounding the word of God (John 3:6-8, Acts 14:3)
Speak the word of God even when it didn’t make sense to you or others. 
What you say is what you will see. 
Many children of God have too much “diarrhea” in their mouths, they can say anything without thinking. 

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Commanding miracles, signs and wonders

Commanding miracles, signs and wonders

Miracle : any amazing or wonderful occurrence, a marvelous event  manifesting a supernatural act of a divine agent
Wonder: something that is beyond our natural expectations. 
Every need answers to a miracle, and every challenge answers to a wonder. 
Miracles, signs and wonders are tools for winning souls, conviction, attracting multitudes to the kingdom of God, as well as for church growth. 
Isaiah 8:18, Ephesians 2:21
Signs and wonders are an entitlement for those that are born in the Kingdom of God. 
John 3:6,8
In order to work miracles we need to have an understanding of our identity in Christ, that we are spirit beings dwelling in human flesh therefore the supernatural is natural to us. 
John 3:8, 1:6, 19 – 22, Genesis 1:26
Many Christians are beaten because of a lack of understanding of their identity. 
Don’t identify yourself with your bloodline, identify yourself with identity in Christ. 
John 1:20 
Holiness will help you to walk in the supernatural. 

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The mercy of God

The mercy of God

1 Chronicles 23:25-28, 30-31, 16:41-42, Psalm 89:14
Mercy is the environment God creates to overlook what disqualifies humans so that they can have fellowship with God. 
Sin and inadequacy to match up to God’s standards disqualify man from fellowship with God. 
Mercy makes the contents of the covenant accessible to us.
It is important to praise God, thank him and remind him that his mercy endures forever  in order for Him to unlock the covenant. 
Having a revelation of mercy is having the key to what attracts God to man. 
Ephesians 2:12, Hebrews 12:22-24
There is no covenant that is made without blood. 
If someone is involved in an accident and you salvage things from their vehicle, that person’s blood will speak against your life. 
2 Kings 4:13-14, Genesis 19:16-19,24:27, 32:9-10, 39:21
Sacrifice settles you in what is meant for you. 
The prayer of Abraham for mercy is what saved Lot from destruction 
John 15:16, 2 Corinthians 7:2
There is no good life outside the covenant of God. 

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Anointing Service For Relocation: The Goshen Anointing

Anointing Service For Relocation: The Goshen Anointing

Some toxic relations are the reason why you can’t progress, let alone see far in life. 
How can you be friends with people who insult the altar of God, men of God and expect to receive solutions from that same altar? 
What happens to the level of your anointing after you meet some of your friends? 

What does an anointing do in a person’s life? 
1.It sponsors shifts and liftings in life and destiny
It can move a person from danger to safety, from obscurity to popularity
How does it sponsor lifting?
  a. it provokes favor
  b. It makes your skill to be marketed (Acts 10:38) 
    You don’t necessarily have to go everywhere for people to know what you have, but it’s the news of what you have that has to spread far and wide, which will attract people to you. provokes the spirit of wisdom
    If wisdom does not come to you, your helpers might not have reason to come to you. 
    Wisdom makes your face shine, and a shining face attracts your helpers. 
  d.It uncovers your potential (1Samuel 16:17, 10:5-6)
    Where you’re now is not a problem, the problem is what is on you. 
    You don’t know what’s hiding in you till the anointing comes on you. 

2.It protects God’s purpose and his children (Psalm 105:14-16)
3.It breaks limitations and breaks all manner of embargos 

This day an anointing of relocation is coming upon you, an anointing that will shift you to where God wants you to be. You’re not just visiting this new place, but dwelling there. (1 Kings 17:9)
Location determines allocation. Even God is restricted by places. 
God changes people’s locations because of the future (what is coming to them).
You need something from your helpers and they equally need something from you, they don’t just come for any particular reason. 
The reason why your helpers are dreaming about you is because you have affected their dream life.

The Goshen anointing 
Goshen means to draw near. 
(Genesis 47:1, Genesis 45:10-11, 46:1-3,47:1-6,22, Numbers 16:9)
a.) Goshen is a place which is nourished by God. 
(Genesis 45:18, Isaiah 25:6,7)
b.)Goshen anointing creates a supernatural dwelling, it is not necessarily a physical place but a spiritual place. 
  Certain things happen automatically once you find yourself in a particular place. 
c.)Goshen anointing creates a realm of life that builds a hedge of continuity (protection) of the Ephraim anointing. 
Goshen anointing creates a Goshen life. 
d.)It is a place of different good experiences, where you have the best of the land. 
  Under this anointing strangers and foreigners speak good on your behalf. People gather behind your back and begin to speak good about you; even when they have not yet seen you. 
  In Goshen, the principality over the land had no say about what goes on there. 
e.)Goshen is a place of exceeding multiplication. 
(Genesis 47:27)
f.) In Goshen there are no monitoring demons, it is a place of freedom.
  No bandage or affliction of demons is permitted. (2Samuel 7:10)
g.) It is a place of divine exemption from calamities of different kinds. (Exodus 8:22)
  Whether they be economic, financial, health, academic; you will be exempted from them all. 
h.) It is a place of light in the midst of darkness (Exodus 9:26)

  Praise keeps on activating the oil of Goshen. Praise God in whatever situation you face. 
  When you don’t know what to do, praise God. 

h.) It is a place of sweet fellowship and quick answers to prayer. (Deuteronomy  4:7-8)
i.) It is a place of divine preservation of every good thing God promised. 
  In this place God respects his covenant. 

j.) It is a place where the reality of fruits and sacrifices of fathers and mentors come into manifestation. 

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