What kind of genes will be available in God’s word on the 31st of December 2020?

What kind of genes will be available in God's word on the 31st of December 2020

1 Samuel 9:6, Psalm 119:18
God’s word carries wonder genes. 
Only those who truly and genuinely receive the word of God will become wonders in 2021.

1.Life-quickening genes (John 6:63, Ezekiel 2:2)
2.Medicinal wonder genes (Job 33:21-25, Hebrews 4:12)
   The word will have unlimited capacity to heal and restore the health of anyone who is challenged. 
   The word of God has no known side effects. 
3.Surgical wonder genes (Job 23:21-25) 
   Any surgical condition can be operated on by the word of God
   You can be operated on without any physical operating tools, there is nothing to hard with God. 
4.Creative wonder genes  (John 11:25, Jeremiah 8:22)
   God can recreate any part of your body. He made you in his own image so He has spare parts and all that He’s asking for is your faith 
   God’s word has the ability to restore. 
5.Peace wonder genes (Jeremiah 8:22)
6.Sign and wonder genes (Isaiah 8:18, Job 8:10) 
7.Power genes (Luke 10:19, John 1:12) 
   We get empowerment as we receive  the truth of God’s word
8.Supernatural breakthrough genes ( Luke 5:5-8, Isaiah 60:22) 
9.Joy unspeakable genes (Jeremiah 15:16, 1Peter 1:8)
   Word filled people are free from depression. 
   Deliberately create an atmosphere of joy around you. 
10.Reproductive wonder genes ( Luke 6:38, Exodus 23:25-26, Jeremiah 17:8, Psalm 1:3)

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Benefits of giving thanks to God

Kingdom stewardship as a covenant platform for fulfilment of prophecy

Psalm 103:3, 92:2, 1Thessalonians 5:18
We have plenty of reasons to give thanks to God for bringing us this far. 

Benefits of giving thanks to God
1.It ushers people into God’s presence and secures it around their lives (Psalm 100:4-5) 

2.It glorifies God (2 Corinthians 4:15) 
Wherever God is glorified people’s destinies are beautified.

3.It brings us into God’s will

4.It helps us to see God and his love for us (James 1:16-17)

5.It brings peace (Philippians 4:6-7)
A thankful person will always enjoy peace. 

6.It guarantees revival and resurrection (Jeremiah 30:19-21)

7.It guarantees deliverance from all kinds of trouble (Jonah 2:9)

8.It makes stars, great men and women out of nobodies (John 12:9)

9.It guarantees multiplication with glorification (Jeremiah 30:19)

10.It turns insufficiency to overflowing abundance (John 6:5-12)

11.It preserves blessings (Malachi 2:2, Philippians 1:6)

12.It attracts perfection from God(Philippians 1:6-8, Psalm 138:8) 

13.It brings contentment (1 Timothy 6:8)
When a person is thankful he cannot be overtaken by envy. 

14.It deepens faith (Psalm 136:1-2) 
When you give thanks to God for what he did yesterday, He strengthens your faith to handle what you’re facing today. 

15.It defies satan’s lies (Psalm 84:11, 92:1
If Adam and Eve were thankful they would have debunked the lies satan was telling them. 

16.It helps us to live in the present thanking God for where we are while we wait for where he’s taking us(Ecclesiastes 7:10)
Ingratitude makes you constantly look at the past.
17.It is testimony (Psalm 105:1)

18.It ignites joy in you which creates an atmosphere for the supernatural. (Psalm 28:7, Isaiah 51:3)

19.It keeps you humble. (2 Corinthians 10:17, Proverbs 16:28, Daniel 4:30)
A thankless person is a proud person

20.It promotes good health (Proverbs 17:22)

21.God takes over your battles (2 Chronicles 20:22-23)

22.It destroys pride 

23.You rise (Psalm 92:2,10)

24.You enjoy fresh oil (Psalm 92:12)

25.You enter your inheritance (Judges 1:1-2, 114:1-2) 
You won’t get into God’s promised inheritance by murmuring and cursing. 

26.It provokes harvest (Psalm 67:5-7,Amos 9:13)

27.You’re in power (Isaiah 30:29-30) 

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Creative power of faith in God

Creative power of faith in God

2Kings 5:1-3 Job 33: 20-,24 Romans 10:14, Jeremiah 3:15-17
Pay attention to what men of God say
God is everywhere but you need to locate his agents on the earth in order to connect to his power. 
Faith comes from hearing and understanding the word of God. 
It is our faith that moves God into action. 
Faith is how we manifest God’s desired life for us in the present. 
A man that is in the likeness of God will exercise dominion on the earth. (Genesis 1:26) 
Man was a spirit being before God gave him a body to operate in. 
The way to keep people in bondage is to blind their minds. 
2 Corinthians 4:4, John 15:1-6, Genesis 3:8, Ephesians 5:1
Faith comes from hearing the voice behind the word of God. 
Carnal people can not hear the voice of God. 
A branch bears fruit through its connectivity to the rest of the tree. 
God is careful with His words and not careless. 
Numbers 13:31, 17:5-8
The branch is what showcases the glory of the whole tree with fruits, so people are looking at your life to see if you are showing forth God’s glory. 

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Overnight Prayer Meeting: Night of Revelation

Overnight Prayer Meeting : Night of Revelation

Psalm 95:1-8, Genesis 3:9-10
People who do not know how to worship God are strangers to the voice of God. 
If you neglect worship you may soon backslide. 
Your cry does not attract God it is your worship and praise. 
Revelation 5:8, Leviticus 6:12-13
Many people do not change because they are not desperate. 
Genesis 32:26, Psalm 106:4-5, Acts 19:20
Prevailing prayer is persistent, consistent .
Revelation 5:1-6, 2 Chronicles 7:13-16, Zechariah 4:9-10
We as christians can not achieve anything in life without the help of the Holy Spirit. 
Revelation 5:10-12, Isaiah 59:20, Haggai 2:1-5

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Proof of genuine faith

Proof of genuine faith

Luke 1:45,  Matthew 9:27, Luke 7:13, Ecclesiastes 10:6-7, 10
There is a difference between faith and believing : believing is coming  to a point of conviction that God can do what He says he can do while  faith is acting on what you believe. 
Acts of faith are also referred to as acts of wisdom (Mark 6:2)
Divine wisdom is God’s solution to human problems, and faith is the solution to human problems. 
James 3:15
A man that is full of wisdom is also full of faith, they both come from the word of God. 
A person who cries out for mercy is wise.
A cry for mercy is not just asking God to forgive a sin like most christians commonly think, a cry for mercy expresses your vulnerability and inability in the face of God’s ability, and we need mercy in each and every area of our lives. 

What is the proof of genuine faith? 
2 Corinthians 13:5-6
If you have faith you must know it, and when you don’t have it you should also know. 

1.Corresponding actions 
    1 Samuel 2:3, James 2:18, Genesis 17:23-24, 22:3
    Your actions validate your faith or lack of it. 
    God is waiting for you to take corresponding actions that show you have faith. 
    Your actions towards what God had spoken is a proof of your genuine faith. 

    This is waiting for what God has said without anxiety, waiting without panicking or being stressed. 
    Isaiah 28:16, Hebrews 11:7, 6:12-15

    Have undying dedication to God and not to things.
    Job 2:9-10, 13:15, Daniel 3:28
    Faith filled people are not driven by things but by God (Psalm 46:5).

4.Positive confession 
    Faith can be traced through the words of your mouth. 
    Romans 10:10, Exodus 4:12, Luke 21:15, Genesis 1:3, Numbers 13:30
    Your confession validates or betrays what you call faith. 
    Our words are messengers. 
    God doesn’t speak anyhow and neither should we. 
    Words are creative forces, if you speak wrong things they’ll be created. 

    Romans 15:13, Hebrews 4:9-11, Matthew 6:31, Philippians 4:11, Isaiah 26:3
    When you’re at rest in faith, you tell  God to do the rest. 
    When you’re peaceless it’s a sign of unbelief. 

    1 Peter 1:8, Romans4:20-21
    Don’t worry about things you can not do anything about, let God be God and you be yourself. 
    Faith infuses you with unspeakable joy. 
    Faith rejoices in the realities of things unseen and it infuses you with joy. 
    Faith is an antidote for depression, if you have faith you can never be depressed. 
    Genuine faith celebrates God and does not question Him.
    Those who question God are serious victims of unbelief. 

    Psalm 134:1-2, 2Chronicles 20:21-22, John 11:41
    Giving thanks is the triumph of faith. 
    Give thanks to God for that thing that has refused to move. 
    Thanksgiving is never late. 
    You can reopen any seemingly closed case with Thanksgiving. 
    Even your prayers are not answered until your give thanks. 
    The easiest thing to do when you have a problem is to cry or complain about it, but that’s also an easy way to chase God and attract satan.

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A covenant platform for an ever-winning faith

A covenant platform for an ever-winning faith

Psalm 44:3, Genesis 39:21
If God does not show you mercy then men too will not show you mercy. 
Do not downplay the hand of God when you see things go a certain way in the lives of men. 
Mark 10:47, Psalm 136:1-7, Acts 4:20
Until you have seen God’s mercies you  may not see good. 
1 John 5:4,  Romans 10:17,  2 Chronicles 20:17, John 11:40
God has a role to play and you have a role to play in order for something to happen in your life. 
There is a covenant positioning that makes faith to work all the time. 
You need to believe in the Lord for what He has said to be established in your life. 
Ephesians 6:10-12, Hebrews 11:6

What is the covenant platform (base) for ever winning faith?

1.God is willing 
    (Matthew 8:1-3,   John 1:2, Jeremiah 29:11)
    The willingness of God is what we call God’s will. 
    God does not take pleasure in you being afflicted, He is willing to help you and you should be convinced about this. 
    God’s willingness must never be doubted recognize that he is willing to make you an overcomer. 

2.He is able 
    (Ephesians 3:20, Daniel 3:17, Matthew 9:28, Jeremiah 32:17,27, Mark 10:27) 
    When you doubt whether God can do it or not then He will not be involved. 

3.He is ready (2 Corinthians 2:14) 

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Characteristics of a spirit-filled person

Characteristics of a spirit-filled person

2 Samuel 5:11-12
It is up to you to perceive what God is doing around you. 
God may not always speak to you directly, you must have spiritual perception to perceive what is happening. 
When you perceive you will be able to know the appropriate code of honor to apply in order to access something. 
Dishonor will make you lose whatever you had.
Esther 5:6, Hebrews 13:7,17
Honor will give you access. 
You need good relations with human beings on the the earth, as powerful as God is He cannot sign your appointment letter or cheque, you need people to do that. 
The anointing you respect and honour is what will work upon your life. 
Acts 28:10, 1 Samuel 2:30, Proverbs 18:16
The anointing of God is put upon a human being, so you need to relate well with that human being for the anointing to flow into your life. 
Acts 6:5
The Holy Spirit is the reason behind faith. 
Numbers 13:30, 2 Corinthians 4:13, Ephesians 5:18
The bible encourages us to be intoxicated with the Holy Ghost. 

What are the characteristics of a spirit filled person? 
1.Is available to the Lord for any service he may be appointed 

2.Is a channel for the manifestation of power (Acts 6:8)

3.Reacts gracefully under provocation 
    The Holy Spirit will give you self control to act appropriately even when you’re wrongly provoked. 

4.Mighty in scriptures (Acts 7:2-52)
    Being might in scripture means you (a) know the scriptures (b) believe the scriptures  (c) preach the scripture (d) present Christ through scripture and          e) apply the scriptures to the listeners (Acts 7:52). 

5.Is sustained during the time of trial and adversity

6.Is Christ-like 

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Wednesday 11th November 2020

Wednesday 11th November 2020

Genesis 17:21- 23, 22:5, Revelation 5:8, 8:5
Victory in battle is a response to your worship to God. 
John 2:1-12, 4:23-24
God desires a spirit led generation that can worship him in spirit and in truth as it was in the garden before man’s fall. 
God is a spirit and we must relate to him as spirits too. 
The word of God is in two forms, it is in letters and it is in spirit. 
John 6:63, 2Corinthians 3:6
Seeing is a part of revelation, it is a “seeing” that is assisted by divinity. 
For your faith to be a winning faith you must understand that faith is easily generated by the spirit realm of the word of God. 
The spirit realm of the word can only be accessed by those that are in the spirit. 
Romans 1:16-17
You don’t do whatever you feel like in order to have a miracle, you do what God requires. 
Revelation 10:1, Deuteronomy 28:1
The voice of God gives you access to faith which is the master key for everything. 
Matthew 9:27-29, Psalm 27:1, Isaiah 30:21, Matthew 16:17
The spirit realm of the word gives revelation while the letter realm gives information. 
Ephesians, 1:17, 1 John 5:4, Ezekiel 2:1-2
Believe what God has told you, accept what he has told you and you will become what he said. 
Luke 1:45

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What does the Holy Spirit do?

What does the Holy Spirit do?

1 Samuel 16:13-14, John 16:7, 12-14, 14:12, 26, 1John 5:4
Faith originates from God, it is a spirit. 
John 12:49, 10:10
Right from the beginning God never intended for man to be by himself. 
Man was never created to lead himself. 
When your life is flooded by the Holy Spirit you will fear nothing. 
Ephesians 5:18, Acts 6:1-3, 7:55
The wisdom of God is the word of God, so being full of the word of God will make you full of wisdom. 
Whatever your are full of will have charge over you. 

What does the Holy spirit do? 
1.The Holy Spirit glorifies and bears witness to Christ(John 15:26, Romans 8:16) 
    The Holy Spirit  makes Christ real in the life of a  believer that is full of Him.
    The conviction that you’re a child of God is huge, because this makes you an heir of whatever God has and it is the root of your boldness. 
    The Holy Spirit is a monitoring spirit too, monitoring us for good,and even monitoring our enemies when they plan evil against us (Ezekiel 11:1, 4-5, 1 Chronicles 16:9) 
    If you’re full of the Holy Spirit you will not be afraid of satan. 

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Prayer Band, Saturday 7th November 2020

Overnight Prayer Meeting : Night of Revelation

Zechariah 12:10, Isaiah 66:7-8, James 1:20-25
Engrafting will happen when we act on the word of God in faith (doing what the word says is faith). 

1.Father Thank you for breaking the limits over our mind and and hearts by giving us an exceeding large heart to accommodate wisdom, knowledge and understanding of an advanced spirit being. 

2.Father thank you for advancing our hearts and minds and increasing our appetite for relevant knowledge  for God’s word as you settle us in your perfect will. 

3.Father cause every mountainite to be an insatiable seeker of God and his truth while believing easily the same, thereby facilitating spiritual engraftment (Proverbs 2:1-12)

4.Father cause every mountainite to be a passionate lover of God’s word taking it as a daily nutritional requirement thereby commanding  superior spiritual footprints in life and destiny. 

5.Father by your mercy, every mountainite under a raging foundational war, according to Psalm 46:9, let that war come to an end as you push them into their turning point, breakthrough and next level 

Job 5:6 (Message Translation) , Psalm 46:9, 76:3, Isaiah 2:4, Ezekiel 49:9
One way to keep foundational powers permanently down is to keep yourself connected to God in prayer. 
After you’re delivered from foundational forces, you should not relax because you’d be giving them a chance to regroup and come back into your life. 
Most people want God to deliver them from evil forces but don’t want to live for Him to maintain their freedom. 
Ignorance of how to handle foundational forces has stopped many Christians from doing great things in life. 
Affliction in a person’s life doesn’t just come out of the blue, it has a reason why it springs up. 
Handle your foundation before you try to handle anything else. 
God will not handle foundational powers for you. 
It is your responsibility to investigate your family history and uproot any wrong foundations. 
When you don’t serve God the enemy sees that as an opportunity to take room because there’s a vacancy. 
Just as a dirty environment will attract flies, your lifestyle as a Christian will either give foundational powers room to get back into your life or it will keep them at bay because there’s no opportunity for them to advantage of. 
You will have to face controversy if you are going to have to take a stand for your faith. 

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