Covenant keys for speedy fulfilment of prophecy

Covenant keys for speedy fulfilment of prophecy

Joshua 21:43-45, 2 Chronicles  20:14-19,Genesis 22:17
It’s not about how you start but who you start with.

1.Faith (2 Chronicles 20:20)
  Nothing offends God like unbelief.
  You must believe the prophecy, the prophet and the God that he serves.
  You cannot separate the prophecy, the prophet and the God of the prophet.
    a. believe
      Agree with what God has said and take it as law.
    b. speak (Ezekiel 36:24, Isaiah 44:26-28)
      When you receive prophecy, speak against the    enemy using the word of the Lord in that prophecy.
Whatever is too big for your mouth is too big for your hand.
    c. act
     Behave the prophecy

2.Praise (2 Chronicles  20:17-19, 2 Samuel 17:18
  Celebrate the prophecy.
  When you celebrate God for the prophecies believing they’re already a done deal, you facilitate their fulfilment.
  Excitement over a prophecy shows that you believe.

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Hebrews 6:9-11
Diligence : persevering determination to perform a task; exercise of carefulness, persistence and determination in any endeavour to achieve a goal.

To be diligent: quietly and steadily continuing a task despite any difficulties.  synonyms:  hardworking, tireless, industrious.
Success is said to have happened when the right actions applied to the right task overcome resistance.
Colossians 3:23, 2 Peter 1:3

In what areas should we show diligence?
1.The word of God (Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:6,17, Joshua 1:18)
2.In guarding our hearts (Proverbs 4:2)
3.Adding to our faith (2 Peter 1:5-7)
4.In making your calling and election sure ( 2 Peter 1:10-11)
5.In serving (Hebrews 6:10-12, 1 Corinthians 15:58)
6.In seeking the Lord (Hebrews 11:6, Proverbs 16:3, 8:17, Luke 18:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
7.In removing the roots of bitterness (Hebrews 12:15)
8.In acting with discernment (Proverbs 23:1)
9.In stewardship (Exodus 15:26, Proverbs 27:23)

Benefits of diligence
1.Fulfillment (Proverbs 13:2)
2.Honor (Proverbs 22:29)
3.Creativity (Proverbs 21:5)
4.Favor (Proverbs 11:27)
5.Authority (Proverbs 12:24)
6. Value, addition and preservation (Proverbs 12:27)
7.Riches (Proverbs 10:4, Matthew 6:33)

What you honor, you give priority to, and what you give priority to you will be diligent in.
Victory requires diligence.
Everybody is diligent at something, but diligence is oftentimes misplaced.
Diligence will manifest with highest priority.
Whatever has the highest priority in your life got there though your honour because you value it the most.
When we honor something it is valuable to us and because it is, it has priority or preference in our lives.
Diligence has been misplaced because honor has been misplaced.
A big part in developing diligence is developing honor.

How to avoid misplacing diligence
1.Release your faith through words
Declare the specific areas in which you want to be diligent in.
2.Ignore your feelings
3.Refer to the word of God with honour
4.Prioritise the word
5.Practice giving the word a priority over other things

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Anointing service for the rise, visibility, helps and contacts of nobles and kings

Anointing service for the rise, visibility, helps and contacts of nobles and kings

What will this anointing do?
1.Signal the rise of cyrus
A cyrus is someone that is raised by God to do his will for his people, who at that time have no capacity to do it for themselves.  (1 Chronicles 36:22, Ezra 1:1, 7-8, 3:8, 4:3, 5:14 Isaiah 45:1-3)
He is there to render favor, financial help and influence .
A cyrus defeats an enemy that took things from you and brings back to you what you lost.
Cyrus is that kind of help the Lord raises  for his children from outside the family of believers.

2.Signal the rise of a pharaoh
Pharaoh kind of help causes your dream to become a reality.
God causes a Pharaoh to have a problem whose answer lies with you alone.

3.Signal the rise of hiram ( 2Samuel 5:10-11, 1 Kings 5:1-5,7, 12, 18, 7:13, 40, 45, 9:11-14, 27, 10:11, 22-24, 1 Chronicles  14:3, 2 Chronicles 2:3)
Hiram anointing settles you in God’s perfect will by building you. A hiram settles the most critical problem that is causing you not to settle.
A hiram anointing initiates you into the league of your covenant fathers by giving you access to the same help that enabled them to achieve their greatness.
A hiram transfers the skills they know to you.
Hiram is a very loyal helper.

4.Signal the rise of kings and queens of sheba (1 Kings 10:1-5,10, Isaiah 60:6)

5.Signal the helps and contacts of nebuchadnezzar  (Daniel 2:19, 46-49, Isaiah 49:23, 60:13-
Under this anointing the difference caused by a problem you solved is rewarded handsomely.
People have problems but solution providers are few, that’s why money follows solution providers.
Money is helpless when the Spirit of God calls for it.

6.Signal the rise of ahaseurus  (Esther 1:1)
An ahasueurus is a strategic divine helper arranged by Gid to avert disaster programmed against his children for which they have no capacity to avert.
An ahasueurus could be a more graced person than you that will like you  and be sent into your life to  favor you and open doors the enemy said you would not walk through.
This grace causes you to inherit the estate of your enemy.

7.Signal the rise of boaz (Ruth 4:18, 2:1-5)
This is an anointing for divine restoration with recompense: it gives favor to the unqualified, to those of low reputation and goes ahead to erase  pain and sorrow of the past.
This anointing takes you from lack and want into abundance, and from segregation into acceptance.

8.Signal the rise of joseph of arimathea (Mark 15:43)
Strategic destiny helper who believes in your assignment, and even though they may not be involved in the day to day operations of your assignment but come in at the right  time to provide help that none of those around you can provide.
They have the resources and authority to take your assignment where you could never take it

9.Rise of simon the tanner (Acts 9:43, 10:6,42)
They use their resources to take your assignment far.
Your association with a simon the tanner gives you credibility which causes people to be attracted to your assignment.

10.Signal the rise of lydia (Acts 16:14, 40)
A lydia provides a platform for you to be introduced to royals, and also teaches you how to relate with them.

2Kings 4:10

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How can you make divine  exemption a reality in your life?

How can you make divine  exemption a reality in your life?

1.Love God
  God’s love will make you experience what’s not common to others.
2.Be a covenant practitioner (Malachi 2:10)
3.High praises(Psalm 149:1-9)
4.Insight into God’s word (revelation) (Colossians 1:27, Ephesians 3:1-5, Daniel 3:1-5)
  Revelation is  key to manifestation of God’s kind of life

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Covenant day of vengeance

Covenant day of vengeance

Hosea 12:13,Jeremiah 6:16
Both failure and success leave marks.
God doesn’t speak to groups, even though He may have a message targeted for a specific group.
There is an evil day that comes to each and every one of us, a day when your faith will be tried.
A fearless person is at rest because he knows how much God loves him.
Faith can not generate results if it’s not anchored in love.
Be careful with what you hear, it can be a tool the enemy can use to bring fear into you (Numbers 13:33).
When you meditate on the word of God the spirit begins the words causes the finer details of that word to be manifested in your life, similarly when you meditate on fearful information or will be made a reality in your life.
Daniel 6:20, Hosea 12:10-13, Psalm 94:1
Preservation occurs by the instrument of a prophet.
No enemy will let you go unless they’re judged.
Vengeance: harming someone in retaliation for something that they have done (payback, retribution).
Payback: to act or give recompense in recognition for someone’s behavior or actions.
Retribution: a justly deserved penalty, an act of of correcting for a action.
Isaiah 34:5-8, Revelation 6:10-13, Luke 18:3
There is always a particular day when God decides to execute vengeance, it doesn’t happen every day.
Nahum 1:1-3, Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:30, Isaiah 61:1-2,63:4, Jeremiah 46:9-10, Exodus 11:1

What is the purpose of vengeance?
  1.To remove tears, sorrow and comfort God’s people (Isaiah 61:2)
  2.For healing, breakthrough, deliverance and rescue (Isaiah 35:3-10)
  3.So that controversies and question marks are resolved (Psalm 134:8)
  4.For the fulfillment of what is written in the lives of the saints (Luke 21:22)
  5.To confirm God’s righteousness and establish it in the earth (2 Thessalonians 1:6, Isaiah 26:9)
  6.To ensure witchcraft and wickedness are cut off from the land(Micah 5:13,15, Exodus 22:18, Acts 13:12)
  7.It is God’s reaction and reward to the action of the wicked (Deuteronomy 32:25-34)
  8.So that the fear of the Lord is established (Isaiah 59:17-19)
  9.For the judgement of persecutors and conspirators (Jeremiah 20:10-13)

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Benefits of prayer and fasting

Benefits of prayer and fasting

Matthew 6:7,17-19
Prayer and fasting is an intentional positioning of your heart for break-through and spiritual growth.
Satan isn’t afraid of all the works we do for God without prayer.
Prayer converts raw knowledge of God’s word into usable power.
Whatever is killing your prayer life is killing your destiny.

1.It unleashes divine favour (Esther 4:16, 5:2, Isaiah 62:6,7,12)
2.It releases supernatural breakthroughs.
3It ensures victory ovwr impossiblities.2 Chronicles 20:1-3
4.It gives sharpness and speed in responding to divine instruction.
5.It facilitates  growth in faith(Matthew 17:21)
6.Separation and a call into a new assignment  (Acts 13:2)
7.It makes you grow strong in grace (2 Corinthians 11:27-28, 12:9-10)
8.It breaks bondages of sin and bad habits(Isaiah 58:6)
9.It opens up one’s life to spiritual gifts and angelic ministrations
10.Long standing sieges,  embargoes, satanic resistance to destiny fulfilment are broken (Matthew 17:21)
11.It leads you closer to God (Psalm 42:1-3, 63:1)
12.Causes us to gain wisdom and understanding which give us heaven’s perspective over the issues we’re facing (Daniel 10:12,14)
13.Gives us authority over demonic strongholds
14.You receive God’s protection, preservation and help ( 2 Chronicles 15:17-20, Ezra 8:21)
15.It brings personal, community and national revival (Jonah 3:4-10)
16.Facilitates fulfilment of prophecy (Luke 2:36-39, Daniel 9:1-4)
17.Divine restoration (Joel 2:12,25)
18.Breaking forth of light which gives divine direction (Isaiah 58:8)
20.It brings speedy answers to prayer (Isaiah 58:9)
21.Brings people into abundance and satisfaction (Isaiah 58:11, Joel 2:19)

Afternoon anointing service
Isaiah 21:5, Isaiah 3:13
When God sits as a judge you cannot approach him as if he were a father.
As a judge his duty is to dispense justice.
Acts 1:8, 10:38, 1Samuel 16:12-13,
The empowerment to do good also attracts  good to happen in your life.
The anointing provokes the vengeance of the Lord.
Isaiah 61:1-10
The anointing gives you access to hidden treasure and wealth (Isaiah 45:3)
The anointing makes rich.
The anointing changes your status and opens closed doors.
The anointing causes a metamorphosis in your life.
The anointing releases the oppressed.
The anointing preserves (Psalm 89:23) and guarantees long life.
The anointing puts a mark of exemption upon your life.
The anointing gives you direction and empowers you to defeat your enemies.
The anointing refreshes and it guarantees success, it covers you from danger.
The anointing places a mark on your head which automatically attracts angels to work around your life.
The anointing makes little to become abundance.

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Day 18 of 21 days of prayer and fasting

Day 18 of 21 days of prayer and fasting

It is impossible to talk about total divine restoration without favor. 
Favor does not allow empty-handedness. 
Favor from God spells an end to all struggles and the beginning of a colorful life. 
Favor amplifies our little efforts to generate what years of labor couldn’t do. 
Favor creates opportunities for the favoured to thrive in. 
Favor is the aroma of the great. 
The favored are helped to fulfill destiny. 
Nobody becomes great busy by hard work, favor can bring in a day what it would take years of hard work to do. 
Favor is God’s current /currency of help (God’s help flows to a person through favor.) 
Favor makes men do your work willingly without force (Isaiah 9:11)
Favor is a magnet, it is a spiritual pull that compels God and man to have good dealings with you. 
Favor connects you to great men who have great connections and resources (1 Samuel 16:22).
Favor adds flavor to your labor.
Favor gives victory (Psalm 41:11)
Favor causes people to give you good things while disfavor causes people not to want to give your any good thing. 
Favor delivers from affliction (Acts 7:10) 
There is a kind of favor that operates in the league of the advanced. 
Favor brings addition and multiplication (Acts 2:47) 
Esther 2:15-17

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Elements of effective prayer [day 10 of 21 days of prayer and fasting]

Elements of effective prayer [day 10 of 21 days of prayer and fasting]

1 Chronicles 10:1-4
1.Confidence (Hebrews 4:16, 1John 5:14) 
Confidence is built by :
  a) righteousness consciousness 
    Helps you approach God without inferiority or sense of guilt,you know that God is always eager and happy to hear from you. 
    Proverbs 28:1, 2 Corinthians 5:21
    There’s no such thing as being more righteous or less righteous, you’re either righteous or you’re not. 
  b) knowledge (Proverbs 24:5, Daniel 11:32b)
    Strength is a function of knowledge. 
  c) From the Holy Ghost (Jude 1:20)

2.Be Kingdom-minded (Matthew 6:33, Psalm 102:13-15, John 14:21)
3.Be specific (Mark 10:46-52) 
4.Have faith (Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 21:22,Mark 11:23-24)
5.Be forgiving (Isaiah 59:1-2)

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The power of acceptance and attraction

The power of acceptance and attraction

Psalm 110:1-3, Luke 4:14, Joshua 6:20, 1Kings 4:31, 10:1, 7, 1 Chronicles 4:17, 22:5
1.Being well known
2.Favourable public  reputation (being a celebrity)
Without fame you can’t enjoy favour
Fame is not only for favour but it also brings great fear upon your enemies. 
Fame must be prayed for it doesn’t just happen. 
If satan succeeds in keeping you covered, those who were supposed to help you never will. 
Esther  6:1-2, 9:14, Zephaniah 3:14, Matthew 4:24, 9:26,John 12:19
A person needs to have a high reputation of you in order to favour you. 
You can be so talented but if you’re not favoured your glory will be covered. 
Fame brings attraction and acceptance. 
Even Jesus was famous, and his fame is what attracted people to seek solutions from him. 
Mark 1:28, Acts 2:6, Isaiah 60:15
Tremendous miracles  can happen but if the game is those miracles isn’t noised abroad, nobody will come to receive their healing. 

Benefits of fame
  1.It leads to admiration, which leads to attraction
  2.It gets you special treatment everywhere you go
  3.It gives you access to several opportunities 
  4.You can use your image to publicize your brand
  5.It helps you  make money easily
  6.It is a tool of enlargement and dominion. 

What do angels do with fame? 
  1.They noise fame abroad (Mark 2:1,Joshua 6:27, Luke 1:65)

  If God wants you to be famous, demons want you to be defamed. 
  To defame:
   To charge falsely or with malicious intent. 

What do demons do with fame? 
  1 Corinthians 4:13
  1.They attack the good name and reputation of someone and noise it abroad. 
   Defamation scatters attraction. 
   Defamation of character is the work of a demon. 
   The aim of defamation is to leave you forsaken. 

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Destiny is God’s plan for your life, the purpose for which you were born. 
You need spiritual empowerment to fulfill destiny because life is a battlefield. 
If you walk into life casually you will be a casualty. 
Matthew 25:9, Isaiah 55:1, Acts 8:10
What is the cost of empowerment ?
1.Consecration (being set apart for God) (Psalm 45:6-8, Luke 5:38-39, Romans 8:13, 2 Thessalonians 2:13) 
  The oil of gladness makes people to be excited about all that concerns you, to feel like doing good for you. 
  The oil of gladness results in acceptance and attraction, and the oil of gladness comes upon you because of consecration. 

2.Prayer and Fasting (Psalm 63:1-2, Isaiah 58:6-7, Luke 4:14 ) 

3.The word of God (Romans 1:16,Acts 6:3-4) 
4.Fellowship (Psalm 84:7, Hebrews 10:25, Psalm 92:1-15)
  This includes fellowship with other believers as well as fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 
5.Sacrifice (2 Samuel 24:24, 1 Kings 3:4, Psalm 50:5)
6.Kingdom service (Matthew 6:33, John 14:21)

Why do we need empowerment ?
1.To accomplish any divine mission (Exodus 4;1-9 Luke 24:29
2.To overrun gates of hell and subdue opposing demonic forces (Isaiah 59:19, 10:27, Psalm 66:3, Matthew 16:18, Luke 10:17-19)
There is opposition to every position Jesus promises you. 
3.For righteous living (Romans 1:4, Isaiah 58:4) 
4.Preservation from death, destruction and plagues (Psalm 79:11, Romans 8:2) 
5.To settle in your inheritance (Luke 11:21-22, Psalm 44:3 )
6.To enforce fulfilment of prophecy (1 Timothy 1:18, Isaiah 66:7)
  Prophecy comes through the word of  God, declarations from a servant of God. 
The devil has an interest in every prophecy spleen over your life. 
7.For Illumination (Isaiah 60:1-3, 58:8,Psalm 36:9, Jeremiah 33:3, 2 Corinthians 4:4)
  It not only shows you what to do or where to go but it also makes you visible. 
  There are so many helpers God had ordained for you but many of them can’t see you because you’re not visible. 
  Illumination facilitates speed. 

8.For speedy restoration (Joel 2:12-25, Isaiah 62:1-8, 32:12-15) 
9.For signs and wonders
10.Supernatural advancement (1Samuel 12:6) 
11.To have desired Breakthrough ( Isaiah 58:12-14) 
12.To have speedy answers to prayer ( Isaiah 58:9) 
13.To have acceptance and attraction for destiny helpers (Psalm 110:3, Exodus 11:3)
  People are willing to help you, to do the things you tell them when you’re empowered.

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