Covenant Freedom Day Service

Covenant Freedom Day Service

Ephesians 2:9-12, Isaiah 49:8
You don’t pay or pray to be royalty, you’re born into it.
when God helps you, humans have no choice but to help you.
The purpose of the covenant is to establish God’s purpose on the earth and cause you to inherit what God has for you.
God’s part of the covenant is guaranteed, circumstances not withstanding; so all you have to do is keep your end of the covenant.
Take actions of faith that are in line with what God has said in the covenant.
Psalm 126:1-6, Genesis 8:22

What does sacrifice do?
1.God swears blessings at the altar of sacrifice (Genesis 22:6)
   When God swears a blessing all struggles are over.
2.Termination of curses (Genesis 8:20-22)
Your sacrifice is what will activate the blood of Jesus to speak on your behalf to neutralise curses.
3.God gives supernatural wisdom (1Kings 3:5, 4:29-30)
   Solomon accessed wisdom at the altar of sacrifice.
4.It stops plagues (2Kings 24:24)
5.God releases supernatural wealth (1Kings 3:13)
6.God gives honor (Psalm 112:12-13)
7.All needs are met (Philippians 4:15-19, 2 Chronicles 15:11-13, Psalm 111:1-5)
   If you don’t do the same things others are doing don’t expect the same results as them.

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Wednesday 19th May 2021

Wednesday 19th May 2021

Jeremiah 8:1,7, Proverbs 18:1, Matthew 4:4
The devil is a deceiver, to beat him you need revelation.
Only revelation beats deception.
The cure for deception is not just truth but revealed truth (revelation).
1 Kings 3:17, Revelation 4:1-2
If we do not understand seasons and times we’ll miss our times of visitation.
1 Chronicles 12:32
Your visitation may not come at a time that you think is appropriate, it might come at a time when several things are demanding for your attention.
1 Samuel 30:1-8, 31:6
David playing a guitar so that the demon could stop tormenting Saul was one of the hardest tests that he had to face. He had to look at the throne he was supposed to sit on and help the man he was supposed to replace day after day.In all this he behaved himself wisely.
God is not motivated by tears but by faith.
Nobody can be visited by God without a sober mind.
God wants to visit you when it looks like you’re faced with so many disappointments and nothing seems to work out in your favour.
God doesn’t choose to visit us at times that are convenient to us, hence why we must be ready all the time.
Luke 19:42
Sometimes the visitation of God might be hidden in an instruction (Genesis 22:2)
There will never be a time when all you hear is God’s voice exclusively without hearing satan’s voice suggesting things to you.
As long as you’re on earth there will always be a contest of voices.
The devil loves to take people out of position when he senses increased divine activity around people’s lives, so that they can miss what God has for them.

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Divine Visitation

Divine Visitation

Genesis 18:1-5, 21:1-2
Before God does something he sends forth His word.
God doesn’t speak for entertainment, he speaks for a specific purpose.
God visits according to His word, He first sends His word then visits to perform what He said in His word.

What should you do if you’re to be visited by God? [Genesis 18:1-9]
1)You must be prompt to act
2) call on God and let Him know you want a visitation
3)be hospitable to others
   You might not know who the person you’re mistreating  is connected to.
   Treat people fairly and with kindness.

Acknowledge God’s hand even in the things that night seem little to you, you might be looking for k10 million and God provides k50, you should appreciate Him for that.
The main aim of Divine Visitation is to terminate satanic activity in a person’s life, especially those that have been long standing.
A season of divine visitation is a season of  heightened awareness of God’s presence.
Divine Visitation is accompanied by diverse manifestations of God (Genesis 12:1-3)
Every divine Visitation will result in divine manifestation. Genesis 21:1-6, Luke 7:13-16

What happens when God visits?

1.Fulfilment of promises and prophecies take place (Genesis 21:1, Jeremiah 27:22, 29:10)
2.An outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 3:19)
This brings refreshing and empowerment to God’s people.
3.Divine help and provision come into play (Ruth 1:6, 1Kings 3:5-13)
4.Restoration of inheritance and homecoming (Jeremiah 29:10)
5.God terminates pain and acts on behalf of His people ( Exodus 4:31)
6.Long standing problems are resolved easily (Job 10:12, Psalm 106:4-5)
7.A release of favor (Exodus 3:21)
8.Prayers are answered (1 Samuel 2:21)
9.Deliverance is inevitable no matter the bondage (Exodus 3:16, Luke 1:78-79)
10.Turning of every form of captivity (Zephaniah 2:7)
11.Salvation takes place (Luke 19:11, Psalm 106:4)
12. A manifestation of God’s glory (Matthew 17:1-8)
13.Victory (2 Chronicles 20:20-25)
14.Judgement of enemies (Numbers 16:27-30,Genesis 18:20-21, Acts 12:21-23)
15.Miracles take place (Luke 1:26-31)

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Genesis 40:20-23,  41:1,12
You can only have a desire to come out of a situation that you refuse to accept.
You must refuse to accept any situation you might be in that does not line up with the will of God for your life.
Conversations change seasons.
Be careful who you choose to  believe.
The voice of the enemy might not come in a way that you expect it to, making it even harder to detect
God places us among people that he would use as vessels to communicate a particular message he might have for us at a particular point in time.
Be very careful how you relate with people, some people only want to relate to those that can offer thek something in the present.
It is a default  human reaction to want to treat those that seem like they have a lot of material wealth better than those who don’t seem to presently have.
You will not have divine visitation of there is no conversation concerning you, conversation will lead to visitation.
When the butler had a conversation with Pharaoh concerning how Joseph had interpreted a dream, it triggered Joseph’s divine visitation and change of season.
You don’t need to be in the palace or corridors of power in order for  things to change in your life, you just need someone divinely orchestrated by God to have a conversation about you in those places.
Even favour is triggered by conversations (Ruth 2:11).

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Dedication in stewardship

Dedication in stewardship

Dedicated: to be committed, devoted, obligated to the doing of something , donated, sold out to a cause at a cost
Mark 4:24, Luke 8:18
You will not be a candidate for what you do not have a hunger for from God.
Hebrews 6:12
You will only be made if you’re a follower.
Define what you’re in church for,  whether you’re there just for a miracle or you want your entire destiny to be moulded.
It’s not enough to just serve God for one day.
Acts 10:1-2, Galatians 6:9
It is dedication that results in our distinction.
Dedication is costly (John 10:17-18)
In your dedication to God you’ll have to give up certain things that are in conflict with the area of your dedication.
Serving God is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.
You’ll only win in your walk with God if you’re consistent. (Matthew 24:46)
Consistence in your dedication to God applies to every area in which you serve God.
satan knows that you’ll not see results if you don’t do a good thing consistently.
You’ll face resistance whenever you want to be consistent in your dedication to God.
Matthew 26:58. Habakkuk 2:3
It is God’s nature to be consistent (Malachi 3:6, Revelation 1:8)
Serving God for life regardless of circumstances must be everyone’s target in life and ďestiny.
Rewards are not given for starting a race but for finishing it.

What does it take to serve God consistently?
1.Do it as if you’re the only person around ( 1 Corinthians 3:9)
  Maintain your individuality so that you’re not offended by the behaviour of others
2.Serve God with patience and endurance (Jeremiah 6:16, Galatians 6:16, Matthew 24:12)
3 Maintain your joy (Habakkuk 3:18, Hebrews 12:1-3)
  When joy dries up many people give up on their service.
  It is joy fast kept Jesus running till the end of his race.
4.Connect with divine help ( Acts 26:22, Hebrews 12:28)

What are the benefits of stewardship?
Exodus 23:25, Psalm 89:34-35
Of all the different kinds of kingdom service, soul winning wins you the most rewards.
1.Answers to prayer (John 15:16)
2.Honor (1 Samuel 2:30, Proverbs 14:28)
3.Supernatural prosperity (Matthew 6:29-33, Psalm 112:1-3, Job 36:11, Psalm 34:10)
4.Supernatural supplies (Luke 22:45
5.Divine covering (Luke 10:17-19)
6.Divine wisdom (Mark 16:20, Proverbs 11:30)
7.Supernatural breakthrough (Luke 5:3)
8.Commanding the supernatural (Mark 16:20)
9.Divine health (Exodus 23:25, Proverbs 13:17, Isaiah 38:1-5)

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The mind of Christ

The mind of Christ

There are two types of minds, a carnal (natural) mind and a spiritual mind (mind of Christ)
If you’re going to be carnally minded you’ll be subjected to the law of sin and death while if you’re spiritually minded you’ll be subjected to the law of life and truth.
Whatever is your most dominant thought will dominate your life.
As born again christians our minds  have the framework for the mind of Christ (a spiritual mind).
A person that’s not  born again can not have the mind of Christ.
If you program your mind with the word of God you begin to function like God, no wonder the bible says all  things are possible with someone who believes, just as all things are possible with God.  (Luke 1:37)
Proverbs 23:7
God’s thoughts are higher than human thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Thoughts lead to development of a lifestyle.
The future of a person is in their habits.
It is rituals (habits) that make people what they are, whether  good or bad.
We should make the reading and meditation of God’s word a ritual so that we can partake in the thoughts of God.
A higher life comes from the higher thoughts of God, which emanate from the word of God.
2 Timothy 1:7, 1 Peter 5:8, Deuteronomy 20:1-4, 8

Habits will  take you further than passion.
If you fail or succeed it will be because of your habits.
What you discipline yourself to do so soon turn into a habit.
The purpose of discipline ia to birth a habit.
indisciplined people cannot develop habits
Rituals of honor which will guarantee the divine favor of God
Every ritual of honor schedules a guaranteed reward(Proverbs 3:10)
1.Reading the bible
  Your reaction to God’s word is your reaction to God himself.
2.Listening to the word of God
  Listen daily to God’s word because what enters you is what will exit you.
3.Studying God’s word everyday
4.Church attendance
  Church is a life changing experience, attending church is a task.
  Church attendance is obedience to a divine commandment.
5.Singing  and worshipping
  Psalm 100:1-2,4-5
  This is your invitation to the Holy Spirit.
6.The secret place
  Have a secret place where you meet God at an agreed time, and be consistent.
  Sanctify a place in your home where you meet with the Holy Spirit, a room set apart specifically for Him.
  1 Chronicles 15:12
  Your doubts, weaknesses and fear die in the presence of God.
7.The tithe
  This is the first 10% of your income, and God describes it as holy (Leviticus 27:30-32, Proverbs 3:9) 

  The ritual of the tithe guarantees financial favor.
  Your offering can not begin until your tithe has been returned to the Lord.
  If you’re erratic in your receiving from God it’s indicative of your inconsistent givings.

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Kingdom stewardship as a covenant platform for fulfilment of prophecy [continued]

Kingdom stewardship as a covenant platform for fulfilment of prophecy [continued]

If we’re in the right place and doing what we’re supposed to there shouldn’t be any toiling in life and destiny( Matthew 6:28-29, Proverbs 10:22).
Being in the blessing is like working with the tide, while when you’re outside the blessing you toil, because you’re working against the tide

Exodus 1:14, 3:12
Serving God is not a gift, it is a choice (Joshua 24:15).
Serving God is choosing to work under the blessing but choosing to work for satan is choosing to work under the curse.
The Israelites were freed from bondage so they could serve God (Exodus 1:14, 7:16, 8:1,20,9:1,13).
Why should you have money? why should your business succeed? why should you be promoted?  …What are your answers to these questions?
Isaiah 42:1, 3, – 4, John 12:26, 21:15-16
God puts an enablement on somebody that’s given themselves to service, in order to help them serve Him better.
Servants don’t beg to be promoted, they serve their way into promotion.
As your master is lifted, you too as a servant will be lifted.
Every child of God should aspire to be a servant of God.
Service will bring you into the realm where what answers to God answers to you.
John 15:16
The prayers of those who serve God are guaranteed.
Demonic altars will fight hard to ensure you don’t serve God.
Luke 12:19
Service is proof of our dedication to God, value for God, and  submission to God.
Service is also a proof of our love for God.
Service is heavily anchored by the love of God.
A life of chasing is own interests instead of God’s has added nothing to our lives.
If serving Good is not a priority to you, then you’re also not a priority to God, you’re actually a liability.
Servants enjoy divine presence cheaply because they’re always where their master is.

Examples of God’s servants in the bible
1.Abraham (Genesis 26:24, Psalm 105:43)
2.Moses (Exodus 4:10, 14:31, Numbers 12:6-7, Deuteronomy 34:5)
3.Joshua (Joshua 5:13-14)
4.David (Psalm 78:70, 89:3,20)
5.Daniel (Daniel 6:16, 20)
6.Paul (Romans 1:1, Titus 1 :1)

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Exploring the unlimited power of the blood of Jesus

Exploring the unlimited power of the blood of Jesus

Jeremiah 10:2-4,20-23, Genesis 3:7-9, 4:2-4,10
Leviticus 17:11
In the original plan for man, man was functioning like God and therefore there was no room for selfishness to set in.
Every voice carries the atmosphere of the one that released it.
Hebrews 12:23
Similarities between Abel and Jesus
1.they were both shepherds
2.Abel died a violent death at the hands of his relative, and Jesus died a violent death at the hands of his own people
3.Abel’s blood crowd out and God heard it,

Contrasts between Abel and Jesus
1.Abel died by force while Jesus died willingly
2.Abel’s blood cried for vengeance while  Jesus’ blood cries for remission of sins and vengeance to powers behind it.
3.Abel died as a result of a sacrifice but Jesus died as the sacrifice

If what follows your father is following you too, it’s because an unsilenced  voice is sponsoring that.
2 Samuel 21:3
Financial problems affect spiritual progress.

What is in the blood of Jesus?
1.Redeeming power (1 Peter 1:19, Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14
2.Cleansing power (Hebrews 9:12)
3.Forgiving power
4.Atoning power (Hebrews 2:17)
5.Pacifying power (Hebrews 10:20, 9:14,22)
6. Power of speech ( Hebrews 10:24)
7.Healing power Leviticus 18:24, 1 Peter 2:24
8.Life-giving power
9.God moving power
10.Purchasing power (Acts 20:28, Revelation 5:9, 1 Corinthians 6:10)
11.Emboldening power (Hebrews 10:19)
12.Purifying power  (Hebrews 9:14, Leviticus 8:14-15)
13.Reconciliation power  (Colossians 1:20)
14.Peace-making power   (Colossians 1:14)
15 .Witnessing power (1John 5:7-8)
16.Drawing power (Ephesians 2:13, Hebrews 10:17)
    It can attract people and things towards something .
17.Power to unlock (Revelation 5:9)
18.Restoration power (1 Peter 5:10, Joel 2:25, Galatians 6:1)
19. Covenant-making  (Hebrews 8:7-8, Luke 22:20, 1 Corinthians 11:25, Matthew 26:28)
20.Dedication power (Hebrews 9:19)
21.Overcoming power (Revelation 12 :11, Zechariah 9:11-12)

How to put the blood of Jesus to work

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Kingdom stewardship as a covenant platform for fulfilment of prophecy

Kingdom stewardship as a covenant platform for fulfilment of prophecy

Steward: someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else, one that serves the interests of another, (as a verb) to act as a caretaker
To be faithful  : steadfast in an  assignment or allegiance

2 Timothy 2:7, 1 Corinthians 4:1, Luke 12:16-21
1.God owns everything and therefore is the real owner of all we have (Genesis 1:1)
2.God owns the earth (Psalm 24:1)
3.God owns  all the people (Psalm 24:1)
4.He owns the money (Haggai 2:8)
5.He owns the animals, plants and forests (Psalm 50:11)
6.He owns your body (1 Corinthians 6:19)
  Even wealth is an entrustment to you from God and he watches what you do with it.
  You are not living if all you do is take and never give.
  Be conscious of revealing God through your body.
  Living for ourselves will bring us into a lot of problems.

Deuteronomy 6:5, 10:12
To be a good servant you need to know how God wants you to serve him.
True stewardship brings you to servanthood.
A true servant will succeed anywhere they’re placed.
Matthew 6:30
The life of a person who doesn’t prioritise serving God is hard.
Matthew 8:8, Matthew 25:21
We should know that servanthood is expected of us and it must be a dedicated servanthood.
Servanthood is employment, and God is your employer. Therefore as an employee you know you’re guaranteed wages from God.
Servants know that consistency and dedication to their work is what will result in them receiving a salary.
Matthew 16:24
In our service to God we should be dead to self, dead people don’t react to insults, comments and criticism.
satan can use people to make you less committed to serving God.
(Exodus 17:5) In serving God you might encounter challenges.
We become better people when we pass through adversity, very little growth happens during the good times. (John 15:2)

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Covenant keys for speedy fulfilment of prophecy [continued]

Covenant keys for speedy fulfilment of prophecy [continued]

3.Prayer (1 Timothy 1:13
  In prayer, challenge God to fulfill the words He said in prophecy.
4.Kingdom stewardship (serving God, servanthood)

The power of the blessing
The blessing has power to prevail.
Genesis 32:28
Prophets are God’s agents of destruction, restoration, supernatural breakthrough.
The  tool for change is the word from the mouth of the prophet.
God’s blessings make life to be more fulfilling and without struggle (Proverbs 10:22)
No man can bless himself therefore understanding the gateway to the blessing is key.
There are three main channels through which blessings come are released : (1) directly from God (Genesis 12:1-4, 22:16, 1 Chronicles 4:9) (2) Through parents (Ephesians 6:1-3)  (3) Priestly/prophetic blessing (Numbers 6:23-27, 23:20,Isaiah 44:26)

What must I do to access the channels of blessings?
a)The direct blessing from God:

     2)praise (Psalm 50:23, Malachi 2:2)
     4)honor(1 Samuel 2:30)
           If you honor something more than God then His  hand will cease upon your life.
           Honor creates access for you.
           God watches who is the most important person  or thing in your life.
           Honor puts you into a blessing  while dishonor  disconnects.
           This is the cheapest way to access the blessing.
           There is no blessing without conditions, no blessing comes on a sliver platter.

b) The parental blessing

     1)honor (Malachi 1:6, Proverbs 20:20-21, 28:20)
         This is the only way to access the parental  blessing.
          Your parents need to say good things over your  life.
          You need to physically provoke the blessing from  your  parents by doing physical acts of honor.
          Honor for parents should be a consistent thing  not a one off thing.

Why blessings don’t flow in people’s lives as revealed to his servant in November 2003
1. Irregular tithes  2.Small offerings 3.Not honoring parents 4.Chasing money instead of chasing God 5.Not selling yourself totally to the kingdom of God 6.Not speaking covenant rights

c) The prophetic blessing

    Psalm 74:9-11, Matthew 20:41  Mark 6:3
    1.Receive the person of the prophet. See God in  them.
         Be mindful of how you receive a prophet, the prophet could be your husband, wife,brother, sister, cousin etc. So to draw from the prophet’s anointing you have to put all those   
         relations aside.
    2.Believe in the prophet’s ministry (Mark 6:2)
    3.Hold him in honor (2 Chronicles 20:20)
    4.Obey them as they convey divine instructions

Benefits of the blessing
  1.Generational blessing
  2.Divine health and healing
  3.Long life
  4.Divine protection
  5 Creativity
  6.Wealth and increase

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