Posted on October 19, 2022October 20, 2022THE NEED FOR TRAVAILING PRAYER (Part 3) THE NEED FOR TRAVAILING IN PRAYER (Part 3) MIDWEEK PROPHETIC SERVICEFROM GREAT GRACE TABERNACLE,CHILILABOMBWE, ZAMBIA. THE NEED FOR TRAVAILING IN PRAYER [Part 3] Luke 22:41-44WHAT IS THE UPPER ROOM (POWER ROOM, PRAYER ROOM, TRAVAILING ROOM, ETC.)? a) It is the spiritual control room of all the happenings in our lives as believers.b) It is not a room that can only be found in a church set up but it can also be found anywhere where people are.c) It is a room that you consciously decide that God will meet you from.d) It is a room where output is determined.