• The challenge most children of God have is that they hear the word of God but don’t apply it.
• The word of God doesn’t help anyone without application.
• The word of God makes you wise when you apply it.
2 Tim 3:15, Deut 2:22-24
• Wherever you are not in charge, you are lacking the wisdom that will put your in charge.
Col 1:16, 2 Cor 12:2, 2 Chron 2:6, Eph 6:12
• Most believers think all they can see is all there is.
• Rank matters in the spirit realm
• The real ruler of a territorial is not the person you can see in the earth realm.
• When the spirit realm has been properly handled, the earth realm will line up.
• In Deuteronomy 2:24, What God was saying to the Israelites was that He had dealt with the spirit that was backing Sihon and so they could easily possess his land.
• When you are born again, you are more than flesh and blood.
• The place of a born again man in the spirit realm is higher than the place of satan.
Gen 1:26, Col 3:1
• The things which are above will put you in dominion.
Luke 22:31-32
• Prayers you pray at night are not the same.
• Things are determined in the spirit realm.
• If you have victory in the spirit realm, you will have victory on earth.
• If your money is released in the spirit realm, it will flow cheaply on earth.
• If favour is released in the spirit realm, you will enjoy it on earth.
• If marital bliss is released in the spirit realm, you will have it on earth.
• Having access to the spirit realm is victory.
Gen 1:1-5, Eccl 8:4
• God used light to change the chaos that was there in the beginning.
• When God speaks, it is the Spirit that turns what He has spoken into material reality.
• The Spirit is the executor of what God says.
• There is also a negative spirit that goes to do what is spoken.
• What you speak matters.
• The mouth was primarily given to us by God for speaking, eating is a secondary function.
• Speaking is shaping destiny.
• We shape destiny with our mouths.
• When we speak the word of God, we empower the Spirit of God and his angels to make it come to pass.
• When we speak negative words under the influence of the enemy, we allow the dark kingdom to use our words to destroy our destinies.
2 Cor 4:18, Num 13:28-33
• Moses never sent the 12 spies to go and look at the people that were dwelling in the promised land.
• There are things we shouldn’t look at as part of the discipline of faith in order to achieve what we want to achieve.
• There are things we shouldn’t say as part of the discipline of faith in order to achieve what we want to achieve.
• Be careful what you look at (consider as important).
• Circumstances have their own report and the word of God has its own report, whose report will you believe?
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Gen 27:35-40
• Men are not sustained by circumstances.
• The happenings in people’s lives are not circumstantial, they arise from the speakings of authorities.
• We must ensure that we must subscribe to whatever it takes to rise and gain authority so that our words are not for entertainment.
• There is no man that can speak words over another man’s life and those words speak unless there is a backing of a spirit.
• If witches and wizards are out of favour with spirits, their enchantments are meaningless.
• After God has blessed you, the only person that is powerful enough to curse you, is you.
• You might have a very bad background and you might have gone through terrible things but If only you can decide to do something with God, your life will change forever.
• Limits are broken by prayer (1 Chr 4:10).
• Angels are supposed to carry out our instructions.
• Our instructions are looked at in the spirit realm according to rank.
• When an angel is going to carry out instructions issued by a lower ranking believer, he will face resistance from powers with higher ranking than that believer.
Col 2:10
• Authority is more important in the spirit realm.
• Authority is usually delegated by someone higher than you.
• Your authority level is how far the angel that has gone to carry out your instructions can go.
• Your angel also answers to your name in the spirit realm.
Dan 10:9-13, 2 Sam 3:1, Luke 18:7, 11:21-22
• That you don’t feel or see anything is no reason for you to stop doing the right thing you are doing.
• As you are praying and studying the word of God, unknown to you, your ranking is changing.
• Every time you are having fellowship with God, something from God is comes onto you.
• As you pray, your aim should be to touch God.
1 John 5:4, Exo 7:1, 11:3
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(Psa 66:18, 1 Tim 1:10,1 John 3:18-20, 8:23, Isa 58:8, 62:1, 1 Pet 1:16, Rom 8:1-2, 6 , 11-17, 5:17, 1:4)
• The biggest stumbling block is the position of your heart before God.
• How your heart is as you stand before God is more important than anything else.
• Confidence before God is more precious than anything else.
• Our confidence in God creates the benefits we can get from God.
• Righteousness can never be bigger or smaller, but your consciousness of it can be bigger or smaller.
• Prayer and fasting establishes righteousness-consciousness (Isa 58:8).
• Staying away from sin will help you maintain your righteousness.
• By making considerations based on what you’re seeing in the circumstances surrounding you, you come to a wrong conclusion of who you are and how you are standing before God.
• There is a difference between how a son asks his mother / father for something and how a beggar asks for something.
• A son asks with confidence knowing that there is a relationship between him and his mother / father, and he also knows they have an obligation to fulfill it.
• Some christians ask for things from God as beggars.
• Walking after the flesh is walking as dictated by the things you hear and see.
• Walking by the spirit will kill the desires of the flesh in you.
• The spirit of adoption builds children of God to become heirs.
• The Spirit of God trains you on how to handle the inheritance you’ve received from God your father and how to rule in life and destiny.
• The Holy Spirit teaches us the behaviour of heaven.
• A mentality of holiness will free you from peer pressure because you will know that you are set apart and you can’t be like everyone else.
• If you know that you are different and you are the one who is supposed to have an effect on others, the influence of others won’t affect.
• How you dress, talk and act will be influenced by your understanding of who you are.
Mat 28:19-20
• Kings set trends for others to follow, they don’t follow trends set by others.
Acts 11:26
Mat 11:12
• You are at risk if you’re waiting for things to happen by themselves.
• Without power, the plans of God will never come to pass in your life.
Mark 1:12, Mat 4:1-11, Est 4:16, 5:2
• Your refusal to follow example is the reason why you can’t have the results that others have.
• We are in the last days.
• Strange diseases will come upon the earth in the last days.
• Christians who don’t know the language of power have no future.
Psa 66:3
• You have to increase in power to defeat the enemies that are opposing you.
• People will be willing to buy from you and do business with you when you have power (Psa 110:3).
• It takes power to heal the sick (Luke 5:17).
• In the school of power, prayer and fasting is none negotiable.
1. LIGHT (Isa 58:8)
2. Supernatural speed and acceleration (Isa 40:31, 1 Kings 18:41-46
3. Increased faith, power and spiritual authority to deal with the impossible. (Mat 17:21)
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• We build strength before the day of adversity.
• There are no fireworks or earthquakes when you are building your strength, it seems as though you are doing nothing.
• Appearing in church and listening to the word of God seems like a silly thing.
• You’re being built up as you listen to the word of God in church.
• In school, examinations have a timetable but the examinations of life have no timetable.
• We should consciously build our faith.
Eccl 11:1-5
• Whatever we do has a way of coming back to us in form of a harvest.
• Things don’t just happen, someone makes them happen.
• Don’t just wait, make things happen by making conscious decisions and actions.
2 Kings 2:1-13, Heb 6:11-12
• It is those who follow through to the end that make it.
• God appears to be hiding so that He sees if you are serious.
• There are many things that are very good and yet very hard.
• Many people do not have good things because of the hard way to get them.
• If you are intelligent enough to plan a bank robbery, you can make your own wealth the right way without shortcuts.
• Many good and great things are hard to get.
• Don’t confuse hard and bad – they are not the same.
Mark 10:37-39
• Don’t make assumptions, make a demand.
• Things drop to those who make a demand.
• When you make a demand for the grace that is upon a person, it is not that person who gives you the grace, it is God that takes the grace from that person and gives it to you if you qualify.
• The power of God goes in the direction of our consciousness.
Isa 26:3
• Your consciousness is important when it comes to making mantles that you have to work for you.
Mat 9:21-22
• When you are not conscious, mantles become ordinary.
• When you pray, be conscious that you have received what you prayed for.
• We have been given the name of Jesus and all the resources of heaven to act on God’s behalf.
• Without realizing it, you might find that you are more conscious of the devil.
• Be more conscious of Christ than the devil.
• Be conscious that even when you walk outside you are bringing the greater one.
• Be conscious that you have the name of Jesus and you can use it at any time.
• Witches know what they have, you should also know what you have.
• When your mind is stayed on God, it draws from the resources of God.
• Consciousness is very important when it comes to the power of God.
• Familiarity robs people because it stops them from thinking deeply.
• When you are not conscious, the devil will fight you for mantles or steal them from you.
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Isa 62:1-12, Joel 2:12
What is fasting?
• The act of abstaining from food and certain desires in order to seek God for a period of time.
• What is fasting?
The act of abstaining from food and certain desires in order to seek God for a period of time.
• Fasting is an expression of our willingness to connect to divine resources (Dan 2:18-19, Phili 4:19).
• Fasting is an expression of our helplessness without God (Heb 4:16).
• Fasting is an expression of our confidence that God will hear us (Psa 65:2, 1 John 5:14-15).
• Prayer with fasting is a highway (doorway) to the supernatural.
• When a person is fasting, they become sensitive to the spirit realm.
• Agents of the devil also fast in order to be sensitive to their realm.
Mat 16:16-18
• Demonic forces are higher than human and intellectual wisdom.
• Your access to God’s power helps you handle demonic forces cheaply.
• Your access to the power of God that defeats forces of darkness is made possible and accelerated through prayer and fasting.
• Prayer and fasting creates an atmosphere for divine interventions.
1. YOU MUST BE DESPERATE (Gen 32:26, Est 4:16)
• Desperation makes things change.
• Don’t postpone your problems, God’s time is now.
2. BE FOCUSED (Psa 27:4)
3. BE PRAYERFUL (Mat 17:21)
4. BE PERSISTENT (Acts 12:5)
5. BE WATCHFUL (Hab 2:1, Mark 14:38)
• Be watchful for what God will do and also for the tricks of the enemy to disturb your prayer and fasting.
6. BE GENEROUS (Isa 58:7)
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– A set time is different from the running of a clock as per usual, a set time is only a moment/moments.
What happens when God remembers a man?
– He visits a man.
– Change comes when you discern the time that God set and you are right in it.
– It takes a going up in order to see what is coming.
Hab 2:1-3
– The reason why God is not appearing to you is because you are not ready.
– The company you keep and environment that you are found in can affect the dreams that you are having.
– When the heavens open, you will know what heaven is saying concerning your appointed time.
– A vision is God’s plan for your life as revealed to you.
– There is always a word from heaven that can change your story.
Meaning of salt
1. Salt is as a covenant (2 Chron 13:5, lev 2:13, Num 18:19)
– Salt acts as a preservative.
– It is instrumental in making things last longer.
2. Salt is symbol of friendship and loyalty, it does not change so it makes relationships to be long lasting.
– It is a symbol of God’s everlasting love for us.
3. Salt adds flavour to food (Matt 5:13-14).
– Jesus represents salt, He preserves life.
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• According to God, for us, it is an agenda for bright and shinning light.
• What causes light to be bright, to shine?
1. A focused light.
2. Excessive light.
Matt 6:22
• What brings light to the body is the eye.
• When it comes to spiritual matters, when your eye can see something that God is saying, capture that thing and let it enter you and you are focused on that, believe me, that particular light that came from God will light up your whole life.
John 1:4
• When we are dealing with light from God, you are dealing with life from God.
• When you have encountered the light of God, you have encountered the life from God.
• How you move from one place to another in life and destiny is by light.
• Light is life and this is the light that comes from God.
• The light of God enters you every time you receive a light from God.
• The entrance of Gods life brings light (Psa 119:130).
• When we are talking about the brightness and shining of light, it means it is in excess.
• Light is in levels; every child of God has some light in them.
• Where there is light, there is energy.
• If the light is to be bright, it must be a focused light and it should be excessive.
• Kings don’t come to any rising, they come to the brightness of your rising.
• Kings love wisdom. When they hear that there are acts of wisdom they may not move unless they hear that it is wisdom that is superior to their wisdom.
• When kings see that there is a wisdom/light that is brighter than their own, then they will be moved to check but before they go, they will gather information concerning the shining light.
• God dwells in light.
2 Sam 22:13, 15
• Every land has demonic forces that predominantly run the affairs of the people living there. When a person of light goes there, they know.
• Satan studies human beings in order to know their weaknesses and strengths so that he can destroy them.
• You cannot defeat a system that you are part of.
• Satan is not our problem and has never been our problem. He has been the problem of unbelievers.
• Our problem is our ignorance, we don’t know who we are and what we came to do.
2 Sam 22:18-20
• A man of purpose and focus is a responsible man, he is a man of constraints.
• A few things will help us if we are going to contact the shining light.
Isa 40:28-31
• Our challenge as Christians is waiting upon the lord.
• If you are going to shine, you need serious empowerment.
• Those who are in a hurry not to wait will never rise.What does it take for a person to ascend?
1. Practical holiness / purity / righteousness.
• Lack of being holy is the reason why satan can beat any Christian.
• The foundation of God is holiness (Psa 24:3-4).
• Iniquity will limit your potential (2 Tim 2:19).
• Behind every behaviour that God despises is from the camp of the enemy.
• The holy spirit makes you to live holy.
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Dan 4:29-32, 2 Chron 16:9
• Every time you don’t acknowledge God’s hand in the good things that have happened to you, you risk being taken out of the way.
• Men easily take God out of the picture when good things have happened.
• God knows and sees those who are genuinely grateful.
Psa 91:1-5
• The wisdom behind a trap is usually higher than the wisdom of the thing or person it is intended to trap.
• There is spiritual terrorism at night.
• Ingratitude is evil in God’s sight.
2 Chron 20:3, 21, Num 14:1, 22, 28-32, Jer 30:19
• Complaining complicates matters.
• Humanly speaking, you feel better when you complain about your problems but it doesn’t make things better.
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Job 8:7, Eccl 7:8
• Because satan has been around for a very long time and opposes every good thing God does, he does a lot of useless things towards the end of any cycle.
• Satan knows that according to God’s agenda, the end of a thing should be better than the beginning.
• Satan is always watching out for the end.
• When people are about to enter a new season, he will bring things that will confuse them and make them concentrate on circumstances in order for them to miss divine timing.
Hab 2:1-3
• The weakness of men is that they are not able to continue on the same path until the end.
• God programmed the earth to carry seed and produce harvest for man.
• The process of planting seed and producing harvest differs from one plant to another and from one animal to another.
• It is a problem when you don’t understand yourself and what God is doing with your life.
• It is a problem when you’re looking at what God is doing with another person’s life instead of looking at what He is doing with your life.
Job 14:14, Mat 6:22
• People fail in life because of divided focus.
Deut 5:32, John 7:6
• Discouragement comes in when there is comparison – when you are comparing where someone else is to where you think you should be.
• A man who knows that he is in God’s timing can never be discouraged.
1 Sam 8:5-6, John 13:3-5
• Do you know your race and are you running in it?
• An athlete who keeps looking at his competitors won’t have speed.
• When comparisons come into a marriage, it will soon collapse.
• God values process.
• It is important for you to understand your own process, what God is doing with your life.
• Spend time to find out God’s purpose for your life.
• If you allow yourself to look to the left and to the right, you will be delayed.
• It is only the end of the year, not the end of your life.
• Maintaining a heart of gratitude is how you stay clear of distractions.
Col 4:2
• We watch in the spirit by thanksgiving.
Pro 31:5-7, Eph 5:16-19
• If I am truly giving thanks to God while under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I will forget the negative circumstances around me.
• You don’t forget the challenges you have because you are not drunk with the Holy Spirit.
• Don’t give thanksgiving that is mechanical, give thanksgiving that is Spirit-inspired.
• Thanksgiving has ability to shield your mind from the assault of the devil.
• It is not possible to be genuinely thankful and be depressed.
Phili 4:4-9, 1 Pet 5:7, Psa 100:4, 24:3
• Thanksgiving gives you access and that is why it is possible for you to thank your way into a higher level.
• When you genuinely thank God, you are given access to God and God is given access to you, thereby shifting you to another level.
• When we glorify God, He gives us wings to fly
Isa 60:8, 40:31, Jer 30:19
• If you are not grateful for where you are, you will not get to where you think you should be.
• Don’t call things that God is doing small.
• We block our next levels by ingratitude.