Ps 63:3, Mal 2:1-3
• Praise & thanksgiving is a commandment, God expects it.
• Praise is appreciating God for Hs person (who He is).
• Thanksgiving is thanking God for what He has done and what He has promised to do.
• Praise is the cheapest access to the most high God.
• Praise is a preservative of the blessing. Malachi 2:1-3
• Blessings are preserved by praise.
• Praise excites, motivates and mobilizes God. Psalm 22:3
• Praise is a weapon against satan.
• Praise is God’s medicine against the enemy.
• When praise comes into the picture, God comes in to deal with the enemy.
• Praise is also God’s hotline.
• Praise actually tunes you to God.
• Praise is an instrument of honour that God has put into the hands of believers to make for an honourable living. Psalm 149:1, 6, 9
• There is no reason strong enough to make a man to be cast down if praise is in place.
• Whatever makes you to be cast down has made you a failure.
Psalm 8:2
• The enemies of God are those who are opposing the will of God in our lives.
• Praise on our lips makes our enemies to become God’s enemies, making Him to avenge for us on the earth.
Matthew 21:16
• If you stop praise, then you stop the flow of the power of God.
• People who walk in perfected praise are the people who know victory.
Jeremiah 32:27
Why praise God?
1. We were created to praise. Isaiah 42:21, 1 Peter 2:9
• For us praise is our calling because we were created for that
• No Christian is at his best without praise
2. Praise pleases God. Psalm 69:30-31
3. An acknowledgment of God. Malachi 2:2, Psalm 44:3
• Wherever favour shows up, it is because mercy showed up first.
4. To show gratitude. Deuteronomy 28:47-48
• Praise is an expression of our gratitude to God.
5. Praise lifts. Habakkuk 3:17-19, Psalm 113:7-8
• God lifts those who praise him high.
6. For a guaranteed destiny. Romans 8:29-30, John 14:6
• Our end game is to reach glory and in order to reach glory we need to fulfill our destiny by using the tool of praise.
• Praise puts us in a good position for our destiny to be fulfilled.
7. Praise releases strange order of favour. Genesis 27:27
• In the realm of the spirit, favour is a smell.
• Strange favours are released when people praise God.