Rom 8:14
– To be led by the spirit is not easy because you usually have to move out of the way to follow His leading.
– You can follow what another man is doing, what is trending, but that is not equal to following the leading of the Spirit.
– What may look profitable today may not be profitable tomorrow, so you need to follow the guidance of the Spirit.
– We must be able to discern because God will not always speak audibly, sometimes He speaks through inspiration to your Spirit.
Mal 2:7
– We serve our way into leadership, into an anointing and grace.
2 Kings 3:11-12
– If you serve an anointing, you must carry an anointing.
– Not every one close to an anointing ends up getting anointed.
2 Kings 2:1, Isa 66:2, 57:15, Num 12:2-7, Exo 33:11, 20, Rom 8 26
– We must preach out of inspiration.
– You know what to preach about through prayer.
– God is only obliged to confirm what He tells you to preach (Isa 44:26).
1 Cor 2:4, John 14:11, Mark 6:2
– Man was named by God, then He entrusted him to name all the animals (Gen 2:19).
– There is a place in the spirit, where our thoughts become the thoughts of God, our ideas become the ideas of God. That is the ideal way of living as a child of God.
– Name means reputation, authority, respect, memorial, glory, monument and fame.
– A name is supposed to live beyond the life of a thing.
– The name was also meant to show you the destiny of a thing.
– A name has a lot to do with your destiny.
– A name carries prophecies and every time people call you, they help to verbalize the prophecy over it.
– There are only two kingdoms, the kingdom of light and darkness.
Deut 28:10, 4:4-7
– When you practice the word, it will produce results which will show that God is with you.
– God is closer to you when your prayers are being answered.
John 3:2, Acts 10:38
– Your prayers being answered is a testimony that God is with you (Exo 33:16-18, 1 Kings 18:24).
Gen 32:26-28, 17:5, Luke 1:31, 1 Kings 21:25
– Curses are released on a name.
Num 6:23-27
– Before the blessing can sit, He is looking at your name.
1 King 10:7, Prov 18:10, 22:1, Eccl 7:1, Mal 1:11, Mat 9:31, 16:13-17, 1 Sam 25:25, 1 Pet 2:9, John 1:46
– The Kingdom of God has a language (Isa 33:24).
– Royalty is usually associated with spirits.
– We have a spirit which teaches us how to behave royal, the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14-15).
– Royalty lead the way, others follow.
1. SIN (Zech 3:1-4)
– A name carries your reputation and sin tampers with your reputation.
– When a name is called, they spirit you are subjected to will appear.
– If you are subjected to demon spirits, they will be the one that will respond and stop your blessing from coming to you.
– If a filthy garment is on you, you are filthy.
– Change of raiment is change of name.
– The Holy Spirit is a catalyst (John 14:16, 26, 1 Cor 2:12, 2 Cor 3:18).
Eph 3:15
– Even God sanctifies His name so that it may be glorified through you (Ezek 36:23).
– Change of names has to do with dimensions and realms.
1. When you get born again, your name is changed.
– After that, you can renounce or change it legally if need be. Eph 3:11
2. Service to God done in humility and obedience.
– A committed service will always end in change of name.
3. Prayer that leads to divine encounters (Isa 62:1-2, Gen 32:24-28, Hos 12:2-4)