Isa 62:1-12, Joel 2:12
What is fasting?
• The act of abstaining from food and certain desires in order to seek God for a period of time.
• What is fasting?
The act of abstaining from food and certain desires in order to seek God for a period of time.
• Fasting is an expression of our willingness to connect to divine resources (Dan 2:18-19, Phili 4:19).
• Fasting is an expression of our helplessness without God (Heb 4:16).
• Fasting is an expression of our confidence that God will hear us (Psa 65:2, 1 John 5:14-15).
• Prayer with fasting is a highway (doorway) to the supernatural.
• When a person is fasting, they become sensitive to the spirit realm.
• Agents of the devil also fast in order to be sensitive to their realm.
Mat 16:16-18
• Demonic forces are higher than human and intellectual wisdom.
• Your access to God’s power helps you handle demonic forces cheaply.
• Your access to the power of God that defeats forces of darkness is made possible and accelerated through prayer and fasting.
• Prayer and fasting creates an atmosphere for divine interventions.
1. YOU MUST BE DESPERATE (Gen 32:26, Est 4:16)
• Desperation makes things change.
• Don’t postpone your problems, God’s time is now.
2. BE FOCUSED (Psa 27:4)
3. BE PRAYERFUL (Mat 17:21)
4. BE PERSISTENT (Acts 12:5)
5. BE WATCHFUL (Hab 2:1, Mark 14:38)
• Be watchful for what God will do and also for the tricks of the enemy to disturb your prayer and fasting.
6. BE GENEROUS (Isa 58:7)