Ps 75:1, Deut 4:5-8
• Thanksgiving is a spiritual mystery.
• God is worthy of our thanks.
• The things God does for us require understanding if we are ever going to give Him satisfactory thanksgiving.
• Most of the things God does for us are not seen.
• Because of the 3-dimensional world we live in, we react quicker to things we can see.
• You will be more thankful when your car narrowly escapes being hit by another car because you can see it.
• There have been many attacks on your life that God cancels by His intervention without you ever knowing.
• God can’t show us everything He does for us.
• God in His wisdom has so many secrets.
• Just like how there are certain images parents would not want their children to see because of the effect that can have on their minds, God won’t show you every failed attack of the enemy over your life so that you don’t end up living in fear.
• When God tells you to do something, He doesn’t have to explain himself.
• Walking by faith is not by analysing.
• Walking by faith is purely by trusting God.
• Walking in faith appears as foolishness to human reasoning.
• We need the help of the Holy Spirit to give God thanks.
• Mercy gives us an advantage, a platform where God relates with us.
• Our relationship with God helps us overcome the forces of darkness.
• Anything you do for God such as prayer, fasting is not by your own ability, it is by God’s help.
• God’s help can’t be quantified.
• For the rest of our lives, we have a perpetual debt of thanksgiving to God.
• In the school of divine direction, no human being has ever gotten 100% all the time. There are times when we can miss the way.
• During those times when we miss direction, God’s mercy is there to save us from disaster.
• Mercy is a second level of intervention.
Gen 32:9-10, Deut 8:18, Phili 2:27
• Thanksgiving is also a proof of your faith.
Jer 30:19