Luke 10:38-42
• Many times, the reason why people do not succeed in many endeavours they are involved in is broken focus.
• Every single day when you wake up in the morning, there will be a lot of things competing for your attention but we don’t apply ourselves equally to all those things because they don’t rate the same.
• You can find somebody doing a lot of things which don’t contribute their future because they lack wisdom.
• Whenever you see people succeed, it’s because they have discovered where they’re going and have decided not to be masters of many things but that one thing they are passionate about.
• When you discover things that are important, it is wisdom to prioritise them.
Mat 18:1-4, Titus 2:3-5, 1 Tim 4:7, Gen 18:12
• As far as God is concerned, when you stop learning, you have grown old.
• Take lessons quickly.
• Begin to plead for mercy from God so that you may never be irrelevant when He wants to do things.
1 Kings 19:18
• If you are going to participate in the things that are happening in the kingdom, you must have a child-like mentality.
Isa 43:18-19
• Child-like faith is what births new things.
Luke 11:9-11
1. Children easily forgive and forget
2. Children are innocent
3. Children are imaginative (full of imaginations)
4. Children believe easily and their faith is genuine
• When God promises something in His word, take it as it is.
5. Children are worry-free and carefree
6. Children are eager to learn
7. Children are very creative
8. Children are teachable
9. Children are joyful
10. Children are full of love
11. Children don’t overwhelm their spirits by over-reasoning
12. Children are playful and full of dreams
13. Children have unlimited energy
14. Children are hungry for new things
15. Children are persistent
What is it about children that God expects us to have?
1. Believe God’s word just like it is, without prejudice
• Children don’t judge the words of their parents.
• Believe God’s word, your feelings and previous experiences not withstanding.
2. Have faith in God out of a pure conscience.
• Don’t condemn yourself.
• Faith must come out of a pure conscience, your heart shouldn’t be condemning you.
• When faith isn’t out of a pure conscience, it is contaminated.
• Children’s faith and belief in their parents is pure.
What should faith in God based out of a pure conscience do?
a. Be imaginative and creative about the future painted by the promises of God.
b. Talk about the promises of God easily and without shame.
• Children don’t feel ashamed to talk about what they were promised.
c. Think about it and speak right according to the word of God
d. Be insistent / persistent
3. Have a teachable and ready-to-learn spirit
• Can you be trained and retrained?
• Don’t be incorrigible.
• Are you trainable?
4. Be an imitator of God the way children easily imitate parents (Eph 5:1, 1 Cor 11:1)