• To enthrone is to place on a throne in recognition of authority and / or influence.
Exo 4:12, 22-23, 28
• Destiny becomes complicated to fulfill when satan fills up a position meant to be filled by your Aaron with a wrong person.
• When your helpers are stirred and motivated by God, they will stick with you no matter what they hear about you.
• When God stirs the hearts of your helpers, they will go through danger for your sake.
• You don’t need every man.
• Enthronement can’t be established with divine wisdom.
• Behind the reigning of a king, there must be wisdom.
Exo 7:1, 9-12, Isa 47:12-13
• Many people don’t know that praying in tongues is one of those ways in which to access the wisdom of God.
• Many suffer because they take prophecy casually.
• The kingdom of darkness doesn’t take prophecy casually. It’s a statement about your future and if you can pursue it, you can become.
• The kingdom of darkness will fight you because of prophecy.
• Your enemies have also heard that you have been enthroned.
• The wisdom of God founded the earth (Psa 104:24).
Gen 27:28, Psa 24:1
• The wisdom of God founded the earth (Psa 104:24).
• It is spirits that rule indirectly over the affairs of the earth.
• Divine wisdom will save us from many catastrophes the enemy intends for us.
• The foundation for accessing the wisdom of God is the fear of God.
• If the devil makes sure that you are not standing properly with God, he can be very sure that he can stop anything else.
• If he has planted something in you that makes you sin easily, you become a cheap target.
• The devil is taking advantage of something that you have allowed.
• If the devil can still have a hold over your life, he will make it very hard.
• There are many young people that can invent things that will make them millions but they can’t have inspiration because the devil has clogged their minds.
• They can’t have inspiration because all their idle time is used for nonsense.
• You don’t know what God can do through you if you allow Him to use your mind.
• Daniel and his colleagues chose not to defile themselves (Dan 1:8).
• You are not just a statistic, God wants to do great things through your life.
• Joseph had the fear of God and that is why divine wisdom flowed through him (Gen 42:18).