• The way men behave is the reason why lifespan has been reducing.
• Solomon didn’t end well.
• In order to preserve certain lives seeing the way they are going, God reaps them out of the earth because they may end up going to hell despite being on the right path.
• As a christian, if you think you are free to do anything then your christianity is questionable.
• In christianity there is no independence but only dependence.
Gal 2:20, 1 John 5:4
• Christianity is a dependent life – you are having life through the life of another.
• You will face challenges in your spiritual life.
• It is spiritual to be challenged but unscriptural to be defeated.
• If you are defeated because for not building up your faith, it is because of your own carelessness.
• There is a way out of any challenge a man can face.
• You can either see that way out or hear it.
• The earthly realm is a theater where the decisions made in the spirit realm are played out.
• If you have no access to the happenings in the spirit realm, your life will be full of ups and downs.
• Which spirit has an upper hand in your life?
• Whichever spirit you make yourself a slave to will have an upper hand in your life.
• The reason why we can get healed is because someone paid the price by sacrifice.
Job 33:14-30
• When you are challenged, the worst thing you can do is cut yourself off from God.
• When you are challenged, you need to hang around God so that you hear something that can save your life.
• In most cases, we don’t respect God’s voice enough.
• If you are deliberately disobedient to God’s instructions, He won’t speak to you.
• A covenant is an alliance.
Psa 50:5
• A heavily convenanted man is a heavily defended man.
• One sacrifice can do many things.
Eccl 11:1-3, Gal 6:9
• Whatever God tells you to do, you are doing it towards filling your own cloud.
• When you give up, you have given up on filling your own cloud.
• When it rains, the water is not equal to the water that was evaporated from the earth to fill the cloud.
• Only you can stop your harvest, no devil is strong enough.
• Are you willing to be consistent enough in the things you are doing?
• God is faithful.
• If you faint, you lose your harvest.
Est 4:14, Gen 22:2, 12