– A prayer of inquiry is a prayer of questions and answers which will deliver breakthroughs and restorations.
1 Chr 10:4-5, 12-14
– It’s very dangerous for a christian to live a carnally-minded life because life is spiritual.
– That you are born again that does not mean the other kingdom is completely out of existence.
– The Spirit of God gives us access, he expects us to ask (1 Cor 2:10-14).
– Not every open door is God’s door.
– If we can ask then we will have an answer because God is not wicked that you can ask something and He doesn’t answer.
– When God is ready to make you move to the next level, many things happen to those sitting on that position.
– Don’t worry about vacancy because God will unseat those occupying that seat (Ezek 27:21, Psalm 75:6).
– Let God lift you, not patronizing people.
– Daniel was not patronizing people, he just remained relevant and people kept following him.
Deut 12:10, 25:19
– Mark 10:47, the cry for mercy gave blind Bartimaeus access to the covenant.
– Anywhere God spoke of rest round-about, there were enemies there and those enemies are spiritual.
Gen 26:22, Jos 21:44
– When enemies are dealt with it means you can now flourish.
– If enemies are in your hands, it means you are that you are the one that decides what happens to them, that is what dominion is.
– All round rest has to do with enemies.
Jos 23:1, 2 Sam 7:1, 1 Chr 22:9, 15:15, 20:30
– It is God who gives rest.
– If God doesn’t get involved, it means the battles will continue.
– God only gets involved if the
– If you don’t have rest, it means you can’t have restoration and increase because you are wasting time to fight.
Psalm 92:12-14
– Flourish: to bud, to sprout, to break forth as a bud, to spread, to fly extending the wings, abroad, abundant, to grow luxuriant or fresh or green, to become prosperous.