⭕️There is no human that has capacity to overturn the system that satan has put in place.
Genesis 3:9
⭕️When you are out of your God-ordained position, fear will enter.
⭕️You operate in your God-ordained position by faith.
⭕️When faith is in place, there is no room for fear.
⭕️Every time you fear, it is already indicating to you that faith is absent.
⭕️For you to be exempted, you need to be in a certain position.
⭕️For you to be exempted, you need to be in a certain position.
⭕️Goshen is a spiritual location.
⭕️You will not survive the coming evil just because you are a child of God.
⭕️Don’t pretend that the world is not changing when you can see it for yourself.
⭕️Hide yourself in the word of God.
⭕️At the time when the world is getting darker, it is our time to shine as children of God but we won’t shine without light.
⭕️In the kingdom of God, words are a means of creating or bringing things into material existence.
⭕️When you are born again, you must understand that words matter a lot.
⭕️Sprits and power are released through words.
⭕️Words create atmospheres.
⭕️Words can create an atmosphere of sorrow, favour, fear, faith, etc.
⭕️Use your mentality and identity (in Christ) as you face things in life.
⭕️Your identity in Christ is the root for the supernatural.
⭕️Begin to speak whatever you believe, don’t take time.
⭕️We are children of God and we should learn how to do things from our father.
Ephesians 5:1
⭕️Speaking is one way of programming your mind.
Matthew 16:13
⭕️Don ‘t be quiet when someone pronounces negative words over your life, overrule those negative words with positive words.
Matthew 12:37
⭕️Your words are what decide whatever happens to you.
⭕️To say the right words requires discipline and the help of the Holy Spirit because we want to speak out of emotions.
Proverbs 18:20-21, 16:23, 15:4
⭕️Before you can see victory, you have to speak victory.
⭕️Before you can see favour, you have to speak favour.
⭕️Before you can see power, you have to speak favour.
⭕️No miracle takes place without speaking.
⭕️Words have a spirit nature in them.
⭕️Words release power or spirits.
⭕️Whatever you hear will disappear if you don’t think about and speak it.
Acts 3:6, Luke 17:20-21, 1 John 4:4
⭕️If you don’t know what is within you, you don’t know what you can give out.