Psalm 24:1, 1 Chronicles 16:29, Proverbs 11:9
⭕️Genuine deliverance for those who are born-again comes through knowledge.
⭕️The present (offering) we bring before God is for maintaining a good relationship – a relationship that is not parasitic.
⭕️God doesn’t need presents from us; God has everything.
⭕️We don’t bring a present to a person because they have need of what we are bringing.
⭕️If someone is in need of what you’re giving them, it is a charitable donation.
⭕️Be careful that you don’t have the mentality that you’re giving charitable donations to God.
1 Kings 10:10, 2 Chronicles 9:12, Proverbs 18:16
⭕️A man’s present will make room for him to relate with even people who are great.
⭕️Some people have rich aunts and uncles who are not happy to see them because whenever they go to visit, they go empty-handed but expect to receive.
⭕️God doesn’t like parasites.
Luke 7:5, Acts 9:39
⭕️If you bring a present before God, it shows something about your mentality.
⭕️Parasites are removed harshly.
⭕️Those who only come with a mentality to get, don’t go far but those who come with a mentality to contribute go far.
⭕️The first “Melchizedek” children should have is their parents.
⭕️God saw that you’re ungrateful and that is why those blessings stopped.
Genesis 32:13, 18, 20-21, 33:10
⭕️Sorry has a token, thank you has a token. Don’t let them just be empty words.
⭕️Many people pray a lot but see nothing because they don’t have wisdom.
Genesis 43:11, 15, 26, Luke 16:9, 1 Kings 17:13, Genesis 22:1-3, 1 Kings 4:21
Your gift to God represents your submission and willingness to serve Him.
1 Kings 10:25, 2 Kings 8:8-9, 17:3-4
⭕️A present should come from the good things that you have.
2 Chronicles 32:23, Psalm 45:12, 68:29, 72:10, 76:11
⭕️If you’re praising God and the focus is on you, it’s called entertainment because you’re entertaining yourself.
Micah 1:14, Matthew 2:11, Proverbs 6:35
⭕️A gift can ransom your life, it can terminate a curse upon your life if it is well presented.