Luke 18:1-9
⭕️Intellectual prowess is no match to diabolical influence.
⭕️Diabolical influence is no match to supernatural wisdom.
⭕️We may find complications at our intellectual level.
⭕️If the problems you are facing in your life are engineered using diabolical wisdom, you may never find answers for them while you are using intellectual wisdom.
⭕️To solve problems that were engineered with diabolical wisdom, you either have to use diabolical wisdom or supernatural wisdom.
⭕️Earthly wisdom and intellectual wisdom both dwell in the natural realm.
⭕️To function and reason only by carnal (natural) means is death.
⭕️The happenings on earth are not dictated here but they are dictated from another realm.
⭕️God first created man’s spirit (Genesis 1:27), then later made his body (Genesis 2:7).
Man is not supposed to function according to the body because the body came afterwards.
Luke 18:1-8, Genesis 32:24-29
⭕️The battle you are facing will not be in your favour until your power is greater than the power of the enemy.
⭕️Don’t bury your head in the sand hoping that one day it will go away.
⭕️When power builds up and becomes too much, it will overcome the power of the enemy.
⭕️If things are taking long to change, increase the pressure.
⭕️If you are too casual you will end up being a casualty.
⭕️The enemy doesn’t mean well, he wants you to repeat the evil patterns that are in your bloodline.
⭕️The enemy wants you to die young.
⭕️The enemy doesn’t want you to manifest the blessing and he is banking on the fact that you can’t stay long with Jesus, that you will backslide.
⭕️The enemy loves surprises, he would love to give you a surprise attack.
⭕️The best way to defend is to be on the offensive.
⭕️God wants to avenge but he wants you to generate enough reason (power).
⭕️Don’t relax.
⭕️If you get the blessing by prayer; you will keep it, increase it and protect it by prayer.
⭕️In this part of the world, we have a tendency to relax when we shouldn’t relax.
⭕️The devil that was stopping you from getting married is now coming to stop you from staying married.
⭕️Life is not a playground; it is a battlefield.
⭕️If satan can’t stop you from coming to church, he will stop you from having effect in church.
⭕️Fight to make sure the blessing stays and multiplies after it has come on you.
⭕️Prophecy requires power to be fulfilled.
⭕️You are not the only one interested in that prophecy over your life, satan is also interested in it not coming to pass.
⭕️We don’t graduate from the school of the spirit, it is a lifelong thing.
⭕️Not many finish the race.
Psalm 66:3
⭕️If your power is not greater than the power of the enemy, he won’t submit.
⭕️Almost all Christians have some power of some kind, it’s just that it’s not enough.
Luke 18:7-8, Ecclesiastes 11:3, 1 Samuel 1:11, 27, Esther 4:16, Galatians 3:1