Acts 10:44, Judges 16:20, John 1:12
⭕️Your access to the word of God opens you up to the workings of the Holy Spirit.
⭕️In the kingdom of God, there can be no miracles without the involvement of the holy Spirit.
⭕️Nobody can live an extraordinary, pleasing or victorious life without the Holy Spirit.
⭕️Anything you do without the involvement of the Holy Spirit is carnal and has no ability to help you.
⭕️When the Spirit of God leaves a church, that church will be in mere religiousness.
⭕️The departure of the Holy Spirit is the departure of the presence of God.
⭕️The coming of the Holy Spirit is the coming of the presence of God.
⭕️The Holy Spirit announces His coming but does not announce His departure.
⭕️The Holy Spirit is responsible for making the word known, putting light on it.
⭕️The word of God that the Holy Spirit has put light on is the word that will benefit you.
⭕️You only become if you have received the word that God is bringing to you.
⭕️Pay attention to the word of God and develop an attitude to listen to it and apply it to your life.
⭕️Your inheritance is the word of God.
Acts 20:32, Romans 8:17
⭕️Your inheritance is the word of God.
⭕️We have Jesus as our example so whatever you see Jesus have, you can also have.
⭕️Whatever Jesus could not tolerate; you should not tolerate.
⭕️Whatever could not happen to Jesus cannot happen to you.
⭕️You should be aware of what you are supposed to inherit.
⭕️An inheritance is enshrined in a will (covenant, testament).
⭕️The aim of the lawyer is to enlighten you on what is yours in the will and guide you through all the legal channels you must go through in order to get it.
⭕️The word of God is building you up so that you can qualify for the inheritance.
⭕️An inheritance is tied to growth.
Galatians 4:1, Romans 1:1
⭕️A baby is a member of the family and is entitled to an inheritance but as long as he or she is still a baby, someone else will be managing the inheritance on their behalf.
⭕️You need to grow so that you can legally exercise your rights.
⭕️Before Jesus died, it was going to be difficult for the Holy Spirit to come to men because He needed to come in as the administrator of the estate.
John 16:7
The Holy Spirit came as a comforter, that is exactly like Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is Jesus unlimited.
Jesus could not be in multiple places at once, but the Holy Spirt can be everywhere at the same time.
⭕️The Holy Spirit is the one that is behind grace, therefore, He is the Spirit of helps.
When you access your inheritance, you will not be like a slave.
What will distinguish us from anybody else is an inheritance.
⭕️Being a child of God is not what makes you to enjoy things, you need to access the knowledge of your inheritance.
Ephesians 1:15-17, Isaiah 11:2
⭕️God does not only give us the spirit to know what is hidden but also the empowerment to do what is revealed.
⭕️The spirit of understanding is the spirit of revelation.
⭕️Understanding is beginning to see what you were not seeing.
⭕️The bible is like a mirror but it will not benefit you in the absence of light.
2 Corinthians 3:18, Colossians 1:27
⭕️If there is no breakout of great light, there will be no breakout of great glory.
⭕️Prayer for money to pay school fees is the cheapest prayer that anyone can pray but tomorrow you will have the same problem.
John 4:29, Zechariah 8:23
If certain things happened in our individual lives and corporately as a church, we will win more souls than the methods we are currently using.
Matthew 28:20, 5:13-14
⭕️Testimony is the highest form of witnessing.
⭕️We are supposed to be sharing our testimonies. When you invite people to come to church, tell them the testimony of what they are coming there to see.
Exodus 33:16, Matthew 5:16, Acts 1:8, John 14:11, Luke 5:8, 5, Revelation 5:12
Hebrews 11:27
⭕️Your ability to see that which is not seen is what will help you to refuse what you can see.
⭕️What you can see with your naked eyes is attracting your attention, it wants you to look at it and consider it.
⭕️It is not your time until your faith is released.
⭕️Faith is master over time; it will swallow the time.
⭕️Faith is not a tomorrow force; it is a now force.
⭕️If you can believe, it will be your time.
Hebrews 11:1
⭕️There are some things God wants to drop, and they will come through your business. Your business is only a channel, an excuse for God to do something in your life.
Deuteronomy 8:18
⭕️Allow God to use you as a channel (a medium).
⭕️God wants certain things done on the earth but He needs to find a medium through which His work can be done.
⭕️Someone who is doing absolutely nothing has robbed God of a medium to use to bless Him
⭕️Success on earth does not depend on God.
Joshua 1:8
⭕️The word of God must be taken for what it says.
1.Light breaks forth when we pray
Isaiah 58:8-11, Isaiah 60:1-3
⭕️Anything satan is doing is darkness.
⭕️Darkness also means you don’t know what to do.
⭕️Light will give you cheap victory.
⭕️When you know, you know.
⭕️Glory will be your security.
⭕️Things come to you when glory is in your midst.
2.Restoration happens (Isaiah 58:13)
3.Facilitates the possession of your inheritance (Isaiah 58:14)
⭕️Satan is not after you but after the word spoken to you.
Matthew 3:16-17, 4:1-3, Romans 8:16-17, Philippians 3:10,
⭕️Prayer and fasting is a suffering.
⭕️Those who worship their stomachs can never overcome certain problems.
⭕️If you don’t want to share in the fellowship of His suffering, you can’t share in His resurrection power.
⭕️Make prayer and fasting as a lifestyle and you will never be found at the same spot ever again.
Luke 4:14, Philippians 3:19, Hebrews 5:7-8, Daniel 10:3