Mark 4:13-20
1.The wayside
⭕️These are those who lose the word immediately after they have heard it.
⭕️Satan comes to church, though he might not necessarily be in church. He comes to hear what is going to be said and he’s banking on the fact that the children of God don’t value the word.
⭕️The word works.
2.The stony ground (Mark 4:16)
⭕️When they hear the word they immediately receive it with gladness.
⭕️Satan knows he can’t steal the word from this type immediately.
⭕️They will be excited once they have received the word but after some time has passed they will have forgotten about it.
⭕️Persecution and affliction will come as a result of the word you have received.
⭕️Persecution and affliction come in different forms.
⭕️Affliction and persecution don’t come from God, they come from satan – it is his own reaction to what you received.
2 Samuel 5:17
3.The thorny ground (Mark 4:19)
⭕️These receive the word but the word is mixed with other things.
⭕️Cares of this world include what to eat, wear, school fees and many more.
⭕️You shouldn’t be deceived into thinking you don’t need God because you are making a lot of money.
4.The good ground (Mark 4:20, Luke 8:11, 15)
⭕️This kind hear the word, receive it and bring forth fruit.
⭕️When you receive something, it means it is no longer with the person that gave it out.
⭕️We don’t produce from same amount of fruit from the word.
⭕️Those who have hyper understanding produce more fruit from the word.
⭕️What makes the difference is the level of understanding.
⭕️What’s guaranteed is that this kind will have a testimony, even though it might not be as drastic as another person’s testimony.
⭕️A good ground keeps the word (takes care of it).
⭕️The word of God is a seed that is planted.
⭕️Every farmer knows that when he plants a seed today, he is not going to get a harvest the next day.
Romans 10:8-9
⭕️We must never sleep in life and destiny.
⭕️To confess is to say.
⭕️Confessing is not necessarily saying the same thing somebody has said, like a parrot.
⭕️You can say something different but it is still in agreement.
⭕️If you say, “I can never be sick,” or “I can never be sick,” it is because you have realized that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus.
Hebrews 13:5-6, Ephesians 5:1
⭕️Become an imitator of God.
⭕️When you confess that Jesus is Lord you are confessing that he took away your sins and brought forgiveness, and you are confessing everything else that he died for.
⭕️God is so powerful that he can take our lives but as powerful as He is, He has no authority to take our lives.
⭕️Satan has no authority to take our lives.
⭕️What God and satan both look for is authorization.
⭕️How will satan get authorization? He will bring something to cause fear in you so that through your talk you can give him permission.
⭕️When God brings his word to you and you believe and agree with it, you have given Him permission to do what He wants to do with your life.
⭕️God has power to make you prosper but He has no authority to make you prosper until you permit Him by you believing what He has told you.
⭕️God would want everybody to prosper but He will do His best to convict you in order to make you agree with His word.
Ezekiel 22:30
⭕️God is looking for someone in a family to partner with in order to destroy the curse.
Ezekiel 37:1-10
⭕️As powerful as God is, there is nothing He can do on earth until He finds a man who can authorize Him.
⭕️When you hear the word, be excited about it and believe it so that you give God permission to do things through you.
⭕️If you knew that your talk can allow God or satan, you would be careful with what you say.
⭕️For many things we are waiting on God for, God is also waiting on us.
⭕️You have a part to do, do it.
⭕️God is powerful but a man that doesn’t believe that God can heal will never be healed.
⭕️If you can say what God has said in the word concerning you, you will see changes in your life.
⭕️We keep the word by believing it, saying it and giving thanks to God for it.
Habakkuk 2:2
⭕️Places that people refer to as hard places are places where God has not found anyone to work through.
⭕️All God needs is a man who is going to agree with Him.
⭕️Give people an opportunity to laugh at you for believing God’s word.
Luke 21:15
⭕️ There is a lot of negativity out there but stick to the word you hear.
⭕️Don’t treat the word of God like entertainment.