ISAIAH 48:17
It is my prayer that opportunities like attending Church Services are not missed or wasted.

Churches are like hospitals despised when you are healthy, but you need them when you are challenged & challenges come at any time.

Whenever church doors are open, go there and receive something

I know what it means to be in ministry and end up in shame. I saw in those who were preaching to me.

Church is not a hobby, it is life!

Jesus came on Earth and all He did was to preach!

I don’t take preaching lightly, because it must affect destinies so I incubate on the word.

The word of God has power to keep you alive.

Don’t take preaching lightly

Church is in the business of rescuing people from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God
Acts 26:18

No challenge gives you a physical appointment.

It is very important for a child of God to attend church service
Deuteronomy 4:3-4

If you can cleave to the word of God, it will keep you alive.

The word of God has power to keep you alive.

The seed you need to sow in order to experience change in your life is revealed knowledge

When God is the one guiding you to do certain things, then you are under divine guidance.

It is God’s responsibility to lead all His children.

We may have an idea about tomorrow but we don’t know everything.

God is exactly.

God knows about tomorrow.
Isaiah 46:10

God declares the end from the beginning
Proverbs 14:12

You can only see today, humble yourself, let God lead you.
Proverbs 16:25

Only God can tell all that lies ahead of you.

The leading of God is the only surest way to avoid frustrations.

I pray that none of us will be frustrated for nothing.

To fulfill vision, you need divine direction.

We don’t know a lot, we know very little.

Beyond our eyes and feelings, we need God to lead us

Only God is definite about the future
Psalm 32:8, Romans 8:14

Sons of God are led by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit came to guide, lead and show us things to come.

With the Holy Spirit leading you, you will have a solid testimony in a land that is decayed.
Exodus 13:21-22

Fire gives light
Deuteronomy 32:9-14

Once you allow divine guidance, you will be kept

Those He leads, He keeps

When God leads you, He will take you to high places of the Earth.

You only find green pastures when you are led.

Those who accept to be led by God become leaders of the people.

Frustration is a sign that God is not leading you.
1)By the Holy Spirit
John 16:13, Romans 8:14.
2) By His word
Deuteronomy 28:1-2

Practicing what is in the word of God will make you a commander.
3) Through prayers of Inquiry
1 Samuel 30:8

Ask God what you can do

When you are in your place of assignment, what bothers others, won’t bother you.
Isaiah 40:6, Luke 1:80

You must pass the wilderness test.

It doesn’t matter whether you are in the wilderness experience of your life, what is important is to be led by God.

If you want to have a successful life, let the Holy Spirit be involved with you.
Isaiah 40:28-31

If you don’t want to fizzle out, the master key is the Holy Spirit.

If you don’t want to burn out in life & destiny, the key is the Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit is the master joy giver.

God is not forceful, all you need is to desire Him and He will begin to lead you.


The next phase of your life has just opened.

You are going home blessed and whole.