Before man fell there was no sickness and disease, they came about after the fall of man.
Causes of sickness
1.Sin [Psalm 107:17,119:67, James 5:14-16]
Sin makes you lose God’s presence, and satan has the freedom to do anything to your life.
Sin invites the enemy into your life.
2.Enemy attack through afflictions and oppression [Acts 10:38]
3.Personal negligence [Acts 27:34]
4.Hereditary [inherited] liability [1 Peter 1:18, Genesis 29:31, 25:21, 11:30]
It is common knowledge that there are diseases that run in families.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all had issues with barrenness.
5.Negative emotions [corrupted thinking] [Proverbs 17:22,14:30]
Our thinking affects our health.
What channels does God use to deliver divine healing and health to us?
1.Righteousness [the fear of the Lord] [Psalm 107:17-18, Psalm 103:3, Proverbs 8:13, James 5:16]
Sin invites affliction but when forgiveness comes in , healing has come in.
When you are sin-conscious it affects your faith, you don’t have confidence to face God.
Living right must never be compromised.
2.A joyful and praise-full heart [Nehemiah 8:10, Habakkuk 3:17-19]
Joy and happiness of the heart are therapeutic.
Depression breaks down your body.
3. Feeding on the word of God [John 6:63, Psalm 107:20]
The word of God carries within itself healing properties, it is the principal channel through which healing and health are delivered.
4.Right confession
6.Holy Communion
7.Healthy nutritional habits
8.Physical fitness
Exercising your body will make you fit.
Physical fitness is for everybody , no matter the size of your body.
Physical fitness is cardinal to you living a long life.
9.Prayer and fasting as a lifestyle [Isaiah 58:8, Joshua 14:11]
10.Anointing oil