The supernatural power of Thanksgiving
Psalm 47:7, 1 Chronicles 16:4-8, Lamentations 3:22
Our thanksgiving should be comprised of the things God has done.
Mercy is the triumph that we need over judgement of our enemies.
Luke 7:13, Hebrews 4:16, 2 Chronicles 20:21, Romans 5:17
Without mercy you cannot access the grace of God, neither can you qualify to meet God.
People with a revelation of mercy have cheap victories in life and destiny.
What does thanksgiving do?
1.Establishes the goodness of God and connects you to good things (Psalm 92:1-2,34:10)
Murmuring will cause the little you have to dry up
2.Prepares a platform for answered prayer (Philippians 4:6-7 , Psalm 50:14, Lamentations 3:22-23)
3.Protects what God has done (Malachi 2:1-2)
Thanksgiving secures what God had done in your life and makes it permanent.
If you don’t give thanks, even your blessing can turn to a curse.
4.It magnifies God (Psalm 69:30, 1 Samuel 17:34)
If God is magnified the enemy’s minimised.
If you want your problem to join the list of what God has done, magnify him with thanksgiving.
Comparisons hinder quality thanksgiving and praise.
Be careful with the sins of comparisons and competition.
5.It completes the blessing (Luke 17:11-17)
Thank God for the requests He has answered and even the requests that haven’t yet been answered will be.
6.It’s a gateway to multiplication and glory ( Jeremiah 30:19, Psalm 67:6, Romans 8:29 )
7.It speeds up miracles (John 6:10-12)
8.Connects us to God’s mercies (Psalm 118:1, 106:1-2)
9.Cures every form of dryness (Isaiah 51:3)
10.Establishes thanksgiver into God’s presence (Psalm 95:2, 100:4)
What is the focus of thanksgiving?
1.What God has done in the past (Psalm 103:1-5)
2.The things God is doing now (Psalm 126:3)
3.The things God will do (Jeremiah 29:11, John 6:11,11:41)
4.What God has done in the lives of others